====== #1086 - There'll Come a Time ====== [[..:1085:|prev]] | [[..:1087:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *++Charles Kassell Harris|{{search>"Charles Kassell Harris" @cobs}}++ (1867-1930), 1895 *[[photos]] *[[/data/media/midi/1086.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=1086&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 3216531474326523 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 3216531474326523 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ "Why are you sad, papa, my darling,\\ Why are those tears falling today,\\ Why do you look at me so strangely,\\ Have I done wrong, tell me, I pray!"\\ "No, no, my child, you are an angel,\\ There's not a heart purer than thine,\\ Yet I've a fear, someday you'll leave me,\\ Just as your mother did, there'll come a time."\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ There'll come a time, some day,\\ When I have passed away,\\ There'll be no father to guide you from day to day,\\ Think well of all I've said:\\ Honor the man you wed:\\ Always remember my story, there'll come a time.\\ \\ "Let me know all, papa, my darling,\\ Tell me I pray, of mother dear,\\ Why has she gone, why did she leave us,\\ Why is her name never heard here?\\ I never felt her arms about me,\\ Nor her sweet lips prest close to mine,\\ I'd give my life, only to see her,\\ Tell me, dear papa, will there come a time."\\ \\ "Some years ago, well I remember,\\ Your mother, child, left home one night,\\ She fled, alas, fled with another,\\ 'Tis the old tale, vanished from sight,\\ 'Twas but a year, back to the old home,\\ She came to die, yes, baby mine,\\ That's why I fear, some day you'll leave me,\\ Just as your mother did, there'll come a time."\\ \\ ++ *++Charles Kassell Harris|{{search>"Charles Kassell Harris" @cobs}}++ (1867-1930), 1895