====== #10 - The Shining Shore—Nelson ====== [[..:9:|prev]] | [[..:11:|next]] /*-20note-*//*-hymn-*/ *Composer: *++George Frederick Root|{{search>"George Frederick Root" @cobs}}++ (1820-1895), 1855 *Written to verses composed by David Nelson (1793-1844), 1835(([[:refs#World Manufacturing Co. brochure]])) *Also known as: *My Days are Gliding Swiftly By *[[:alternate]] *[[photos]] *[[/data/media/midi/10.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=10&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 551123123532161651123123532121 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 512312353216165123123532121 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *[[:dutton:1-100#section|Dutton's Handbook]] *++Lyrics:|\\ My days are gliding swiftly by,\\ And I, a pilgrim stranger,\\ Would not detain as they fly,\\ Those hours of toil and danger.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ For oh, we stand on Jordan's strand,\\ Our friends are passing over;\\ And just before the Shining Shore\\ We may almost discover.\\ \\ We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear,\\ Our heav'nly home discerning;\\ Our absent Lord has left us word,\\ Let ev'ry lamp be burning.\\ \\ Should coming days be cold and dark,\\ We need not cease our singing;\\ That perfect rest naught can molest,\\ Where golden harps are ringing.\\ \\ Let sorrow's rudest tempests blow,\\ Each chord on earth to sever;\\ Our King says, Come, and there's our home,\\ Forever, oh, forever.\\ \\ ++ *David Nelson (1793-1844), 1835