====== #1138 - Bill Bailey ====== [[..:1137:|prev]] | [[..:1139:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *Hughie Cannon (1877-1912), 1902 *Also known as: *Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home *[[/data/media/midi/1138.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=1138&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 56132355613 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 5613235613 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ On one summer's day,\\ Sun was shining fine\\ The lady love of old Bill Bailey\\ Was hanging clothes on de line\\ In her back yard,\\ And weeping hard:\\ She married a B. & O. brakeman\\ Dat took and throw'd her down,\\ Bellering like a prune-fed calf,\\ With a big gang hanging round\\ And to that crowd,\\ She yelled out loud:\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ Won't you come home, Bill Bailey\\ Won't you come home?\\ She moans de whole day long.\\ I'll do the cooking, darling,\\ I'll pay the rent;\\ I knows I've done you wrong;\\ 'Member that rainy eve dat\\ I drove you out,\\ Wid nothing but a fine tooth comb?\\ I knows I'se to blame:\\ Well, ain't dat a shame?\\ Bill Bailey, won't you please come home.\\ \\ Bill drove by dat door\\ In an automobile\\ A great big diamond, coach and footman,\\ Hear dat big wench squeal.\\ "He's all alone,"\\ I heard her groan;\\ She hollered thro' that door\\ "Bill Bailey, is you sore?\\ Stop a minute; won't you listen to me?\\ Won't I see you no more?\\ Bill winked his eye\\ As he heard her cry:\\ \\ These lyrics are from 1902 sheet music for the song (giving the title as "Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?"), a copy of which is held in the University of Maine Vocal Popular Sheet Music Collection and may be viewed online at digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu\\ \\ ++ *Hughie Cannon (1877-1912), 1902