====== #1210 - Sweet Bunch of Daisies ====== [[..:1209:|prev]] | [[..:1211:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *++Anita Owen|{{search>"Anita Owen" @cobs}}++ (?-1932), 1894 *[[/data/media/midi/1210.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=1210&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 53721357656543132671 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 53721357656543132671 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ Sweet golden daisies,\\ Oh, how dear to me,\\ Ever I hear them,\\ Whisp'ring, Love of thee,\\ Murmuring softly,\\ In a silent theme,\\ Of love's bright morning\\ Now one sad, sweet dream.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ Sweet bunch of daisies,\\ Brought from the dell,\\ Kiss me once, darling,\\ Daisies won't tell.\\ Give me your promise,\\ O sweetheart do,\\ Darling I love you,\\ Will you be true?\\ \\ Sweet withered daisies,\\ Treasured more than gold,\\ Bring back to mem'ry\\ Those sweet days of old,\\ When we together\\ Stroll'd through forests green,\\ Gathering daisies,\\ Growing by the stream.\\ \\ ++ *++Anita Owen|{{search>"Anita Owen" @cobs}}++ (?-1932), 1894 [[..:1206:]] is a "Companion Piece" to [[..:1210:]]