====== #131 - In the Gloaming ====== [[..:130:|prev]] | [[..:132:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *Annie Fortescue Harrison (1851-1944), 1877 *Also known as: *In the Gloaming, Oh, My Darling *[[:alternate]] *[[photos]] *[[/data/media/midi/131.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=131&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 565354432613543 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 56535432613543 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ In the gloaming, oh, my darling!\\ When the lights are dim and low,\\ And the quiet shadows falling\\ Softly come and softly go.\\ When the winds are sobbing faintly\\ With a gentle unknown woe,\\ Will you think of me, and love me,\\ As you did once long ago?\\ \\ In the gloaming, oh, my darling!\\ Think not bitterly of me!\\ Tho' I pass'd away in silence,\\ Left you lonely, set you free.\\ For my heart was crush'd with longing,\\ What had been could never be;\\ It was best to leave you thus, dear,\\ Best for you and best for me.\\ \\ ++ *Meta Orred (c1846-1925), 1877