====== #349 - Dairy-Maid Waltz ====== [[..:348:|prev]] | [[..:350:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *++Joseph P. Skelly|{{search>"Joseph P. Skelly" @cobs}}++ (1853-1895), 1883 *Title variations: *Dairymaid Waltz *The Little Dairy Maid *[[/data/media/midi/349.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=349&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 234455744576555671135325465 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 234574576567135325465 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ While strolling thro' the meadows fair,\\ Amid the daisies white,\\ I saw a little maiden there,\\ Whose smile was sweet and bright;\\ We lingered by the silv'ry stream\\ That rippled thro' the glade,\\ And like a fairy did she seem,\\ That little dairy maid.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ Sweet little dairy maid,\\ Over the fields we strayed,\\ Saucy and bright with loves delight,\\ To me she fondly said,\\ Come take a stroll with me\\ Over the flow'ry glade,\\ Then at the gate we linger'd late,\\ With my sweet little dairy maid.\\ I saw her to the cottage gate,\\ \\ And there we linger'd long;\\ The cricket said the hour is late,\\ We heeded not its song;\\ We talk'd about her father's cows,\\ And while we there delayed,\\ I kiss'd beneath the apple boughs,\\ My little dairy maid.\\ \\ I carried off her little pail,\\ Across the meadows fair,\\ While wand'ring over hill and dale,\\ I told love's story there;\\ One evening while the star-light shone.\\ And blissfully we strayed,\\ She promised to be mine alone,\\ My little dairy maid.\\ \\ ++ *++Augustus (Gus) Williams|{{search>"Augustus (Gus) Williams" @cobs}}++ (1847-1915), 1883