====== #419 - Up in a Balloon ====== [[..:418:|prev]] | [[..:420:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *++George William Hunt|{{search>"George William Hunt" @cobs}}++ (1839-1904), 1868 *[[/data/media/midi/419.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=419&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 55113234617126671235 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 51323461712671235 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ One night I went up in a balloon,\\ On a voyage of discov'ry to visit the moon,\\ Where an old man dwells, so some people say,\\ "Through cutting of sticks on a Sunday,"\\ Up went the balloon quickly higher and higher,\\ Over housetop and chimney-pot, tower and spire,\\ I knock'd off the Monument's top very high,\\ And caught hold of the cross of St. Paul's going by.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ Up in a balloon,\\ Up in a balloon,\\ All among the little stars, sailing round the moon;\\ Up in a balloon,\\ Up in a balloon,\\ It's something awfully jolly to be\\ Up in a balloon.\\ \\ Up, up I was borne with terrible pow'r,\\ At the rate of ten thousand five hundred an hour,\\ The air was cold, the wind blew loud,\\ I narrowly escap'd being chok'd by a cloud;\\ Still up I went, till surrounded by stars,\\ And such planets as Jupiter, Venus, and Mars ;\\ The Big and the Little Bear loudly did growl,\\ And the Dog Star on seeing me set up a howl.\\ \\ I met shooting stars who were bent upon sport,\\ But who "shot" in a very strange manner I thought,\\ And one thing beat all my chalks I must say,\\ That was when I got into the Milky Way,\\ I counted the stars, till at last I thought\\ I had found out how much they were worth by the quart,\\ An unpolite "Aerolite" who ran 'gainst my car,\\ Wouldn't give "e'er a light" to light my cigar.\\ \\ Next a comet went by 'midst fire like hail,\\ To give me a lift, I seized hold of his tail;\\ To where he was going I didn't enquire,\\ We'd gone past the moon, till we couldn't get higher;\\ Yes we'd got to the furthermost!!, don't think I joke,\\ When somehow I felt a great shock--I awoke!\\ When instead of balloon, moon and planets, I saw,\\ I'd tumbled from off my bed to the floor.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ And there was no balloon--there was no balloon,\\ There were not any planets, and there wasn't any moon;\\ So never sup too heavy or by jingo very soon\\ You're like to fancy you are going up in a balloon.\\ \\ ++ *++George William Hunt|{{search>"George William Hunt" @cobs}}++ (1839-1904), 1868