====== #467 - Duo De Pippo Y Bettine (Spanish) ====== [[..:466:|prev]] | [[..:468:|next]] /*-20note-*/ *Composer: *++Edmond Audran|{{search>"Edmond Audran" @cobs}}++ (1842-1901), 1880 *from the [[:groups:opera|operetta]] ++La Mascotte|{{search>"La Mascotte" opera @cobs}}++, 1880 *Also known as: *Act 1, Number 12, Duet for Bettina and Pippo *When I Behold *[[:incipit]]: 111117613333321355555435 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 176132135435 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ //Bettina: //\\ When I behold your manly form,\\ A sweet emotion agitates me\\ //Pippo: //\\ And when Bettina, your face I see,\\ Delight unbounded permeates me,\\ //etc.//\\ The tones melodious of your voice,\\ Are sweeter far than sweetest honey,\\ And when your glances rest on me,\\ Right there, it makes me feel so funny.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ I my turkeys love,\\ And I my sheep love,\\ When they sound their sweet -- gobble, gobble, gobble,\\ When they softly bleat -- ba,\\ //(together)// But ...\\ You I more than turkeys love,\\ And you more than sheep I love,\\ When they sound their sweetest gobble, gobble,\\ When they softly bleat ba,\\ Gobble, gobble, gobble,\\ ba,\\ //(etc.)//\\ \\ Whenever, love your eyes meet mine,\\ I feel a strange exhilaration,\\ And of your hair the sweet perfume,\\ Gives a delightful titillation.\\ When you approach me suddenly,\\ Just like a little chick a-tremble,\\ And when your little hand meets mine,\\ My raptures I cannot disemble.\\ \\ ++ *Alfred Duru (1829 – 1889), 1880 *Henri Charles Chivot (1830-1897), 1880 *trans. Theodore T. Barker, 1881