====== #614 - Come, Spirit, Come ====== [[..:613:|prev]] | [[..:615:|next]] /*-20note-*//*-hymn-*/ *Composer: *++Daniel Brink Towner|{{search>"Daniel Brink Towner" @cobs}}++ (1850-1919), 1887 *[[/data/media/midi/614.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=614&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 321535174326765321535164321271 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 321535174326765321535164321271 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ Come, Spirit, come, with light divine\\ Illuminate my soul;\\ Come, soothe and cheer this heart of mine,\\ And every foe control.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ Come, Spirit, come, with light divine,\\ Descend, O heav'nly Dove,\\ Shine in, until this heart of mine\\ Is all aglow with love.\\ \\ Dear Saviour, be my constant guide,\\ My ever-present friend,\\ Oh, keep me near Thy bleeding side,\\ Till all the toil shall end.\\ \\ A stronger faith is my desire,\\ A nearness, Lord, to thee,\\ Oh, send just now the holy fire,\\ To ever dwell in me.\\ \\ ++ *Harriet E. Rice Jones (1823-1915), 1887