====== #626 - Walk in the Light ====== [[..:625:|prev]] | [[..:627:|next]] /*-20note-*//*-hymn-*/ *Composer: *James H. Burke (1858-1901), 1887 *[[/data/media/midi/626.mid|MIDI]] | ++show|\\ {{http://www.rollerorgans.com/mid2roll.php?cob=626&.gif?}}++ *[[:incipit]]: 345653511167165345656511432171 *[[:incipit|Condensed Incipit]]: 345653516716534565651432171 *[[/cob_label/index.php|Print a Label]] *++Lyrics:|\\ Walk in the light! so shalt thou know\\ That fellowship of love\\ His Spirit only can bestow,\\ Who reigns in light above.\\ \\ //chorus: //\\ If we walk in the light, as He is in the light\\ We have fellowship one with another\\ And the blood of Jesus Christ His Son\\ Cleanseth us, cleanseth us,\\ Cleanseth us from all sin.\\ \\ Walk in the light! and thou shalt own\\ Thy darkness pass'd away,\\ Because that light has on thee shone,\\ In which is perfect day.\\ \\ Walk in the light! and e'en the tomb\\ No fearful shade shall wear;\\ Glory shall chase away its gloom,\\ For Christ hath conquered there.\\ \\ Walk in the light! and thou shall see\\ Thy onward pathway bright,\\ For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee,\\ And God himself is Light.\\ \\ ++ *Bernard Barton (1784-1849), 1826 This is a different melody than [[..:35:]], often known as //Walk in the Light//.