~~NOTOC~~ ====== Home ====== /* //Editors: //[[:todo]] */ ==== The Roller Organ Cobography is ...==== ***[[http://www.rollerorgans.com/Roller_Organ_History.htm|Roller Organs]]** are a type of organette, a hand-operated, table-top sized mechanical musical instrument, manufactured from the late 1880s through the mid 1920s by The Autophone Co. of Ithaca, New York.\\ See [[http://www.rollerorgans.com/|Todd Augsburger's Roller Organ Website]] for all the info. ***[[http://www.rollerorgans.com/patents/US322390_1~.jpg|Cobs]]** are the informal name by which many collectors refer to the "rollers" which play on these instruments. ***[[wp>-graphy|-ography]]**, from the Greek word meaning "to write", is the study and written record about a specified subject. ==== Where it all comes together: ==== *A **complete** list of all known **[[:cobs:home]]** (rollers) for the Roller Organ -Specific **information**, such as composers and alternate titles -MIDI files enabling you to actually **//hear//** most tunes -Printed reproduction **labels** available directly from your own printer *Richard Dutton's **//[[:dutton:home]]//**, **//Now being regularly updated//**, includes: -**Scarcity ratings** based on hundreds of cob transactions and his years of experience -**The stories** behind the music and lyrics -**References** to music sources ***Photos** illustrating **[[:pinning]]** and **[[:alternate]]** ***[[:year:]]** based on earliest known publication dates ***[[:groups:]]** of cobs, such as **[[:groups:opera]]**, **[[:groups:patriotic]]**, or **[[:groups:christmas]]** themes *Photos of the many **[[:labels]]** used, including rare **[[:labels:black]]** ==== A “Work In Progress” ==== *The Roller Organ Cobography is a "work in progress", as the editors constantly add additional information. *[[:contact]] to provide additions, corrections, suggestions, or to become a regular editor/contributor. ====== ====== All content is Copyright (c) 2007 by Todd Augsburger, Charles Moore, and/or Richard Dutton, and may not be reproduced without written permission. HTML "links" to entire pages are permitted with an appropriate citation, such as "See also: [[http://cobs.rollerorgans.com/|The Roller Organ Cobography]]" or "//[[http://cobs.rollerorgans.com/cobs/1/home|The Sweet Bye and Bye]]// at The Roller Organ Cobography". However, direct reference to the images, media and/or other files is prohibited. \\