#1082 - Nokken (Nix—Norwegian)
Edvard Hagerup Grieg
#325 - The Student's Song
#503 - Naar Harpen Tier (When the Harp is Still—Norwegian)
#504 - Sangerafsked (Singers' Farewell—Norwegian)
#505 - Aa Kjore Vatten (O, Haul the Water—Norwegian)
#509 - Sangen (The Song—Norwegian)
#511 - Faedrelandssang (Song of the Native Land—Norwegian)
#512 - Reisesang (Song of Travel—Norwegian)
#513 - Studentersang (Students' song—Norwegian)
#579 - Der Ligger et Land, No.2b (There Lies a Fair Land, No.2b—Norwegian)
#580 - Astri! My Astri (Astri! Mi Astri—Norwegian)
#583 - Bor jeg paa det hoie Fjeld (Dwell I on Lofty Mount—Norwegian)
#588 - Island (Iceland—Norwegian)
#590 - Mit Fodeland (My Native Land—Norwegian)
#591 - Der Ligger et Land, No.1b (There Lies a Fair Land, No.1b—Norwegian)
#1082 - Nokken (Nix—Norwegian)
(1843-1907), 1875
Also known as:
The Ogre
Norwegian Melodies, No. 84
Jeg lagde mit Ore til Kildens Broed
I Put My Ear To The Fountain's Source
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