#1212 - Where the Silv'ry Colorado Wends its Way
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The twilight softly gathers 'round my home among the hills.
And all nature soon will settle down to rest.
While I sit and sadly ponder and my heart with longing fills,
As I often think of one that I loved best;
We were wedded in the June-time, and our hearts then knew no pain,
Fair nature seemed to smile on us that day;
Now she sleeps beneath the lilacs and she'll ne'er come back again,
Where the silvery Colorado wends its way.
There's a sob on every breeze, and a sigh comes from the trees,
And the meadowlark now croons a sadder lay,
For the sunlight plays no more 'round my cheerless cabin door,
Where the silvery Colorado wends its way.
The silvery snow is gleaming on yon distant mountainside,
Where we often used to wander, Nell and I,
And the birds are gaily singing in the valley far below,
Where I long some day to lay me down and die;
Then our lives were gay and happy, in the shadow of the hills,
My heart beats fonder for her day by day;
And I feel her presence near me as I sit alone tonight,
Where the silvery Colorado wends its way.