14,870,291 hits since 2007.06.01
Tunes may be identified by matching the Incipit—the first few consecutive notes—expressed in numerical code. Incipits are coded using 11) for “do”, 2 for “re”, 3 for “mi”, etc. Ignore rhythm, accidentals, and octaves. Thus, the Incipit for #1 - The Sweet Bye And Bye is 123212165123335532 .
Incipits on this site are being entered manually for all cobs, but this will take significant time. Currently, Hymns / Sacred cobs are completed, as are approximately one-fourth of the non-hymn titles. Please Contact Us if you are interested in this project, or if you have corrections.
The Condensed Incipit is based on the Incipit, but excludes repeated notes2). This facilitates searching where it may be difficult to determine whether a note is repeated. Note that this also excludes octave jumps.
The advantage of including the Incipit in the information for Cobs is that it's easy to fing via Search3):