A mother dear is weeping,
Somewhere to-night, Somewhere to-night,
Many and bitter the tears she weaps,
Weary the vigil and sad she keeps.
For, oh, she grieveth by night and day
For one that wandereth far away
From God and right.
O wandering one,
List, list to the plea,
Thy mother is praying,
Is praying for thee.
A mother's lowly bending,
Somewhere to-night, Somewhere to-night,
Bowing and pleading with God in prayer,
Bringing to Jesus her load of care.
She prays as mother alone can pray
For one that wandereth far away
From God and right.
A mother's heart is breaking,
Somewhere to-night, Somewhere to-night,
Breaking with sorrow, with shame and grief.
When shall she find for her soul relief!
Alas! for her there can be no peace
Until her darling to wander cease
From God and right.
A mother still is pleading,
Somewhere to-night, Somewhere to-night,
Pleading, still pleading, for one a-stray,
Making the promise of God her stay,
While faith and hope in her bosom burn.
Oh! come, thou wandering one, return
To God and right.