#655 - They Gather One by One
William Howard Doane
#30 - Precious Name
#72 - Pass Me Not
#86 - More Love to Thee, O Christ
#91 - Rescue the Perishing
#93 - Come, Great Deliverer, Come
#601 - To the Work
#602 - Only a Step to Jesus
#630 - The Prodigal Child
#649 - Stand on the Rock
#650 - My Sabbath Home
#655 - They Gather One by One
#658 - The Beautiful Vale
(1832-1915), 1871
: 5332166177654325332166177652671
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: 5321617654325321617652671
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One by one the saints are going
To their heavenly home above,
Where the peaceful streams are flowing,
Where there's endless light and love.
Where the sunshine ever lingers,
In that happy land so fair,
Just beyond death's gloomy river,
One by one they'll gather there.
All the heart and life bestowing,
In the service of their Lord.
One by one the saints are going,
To receive their blest reward.
Drop by drop the streams are flowing,
Flowing onward to the sea;
One by one the saints are going,
To a vast eternity.
One by one the saints are going,
In the bliss of heaven to share,
Where the light of life is glowing,
Soon they'll rest forever there.
Josephine Pollard, (1834-1892), 1871