#118 - Meet Me in the Lovely Twilight
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Meet me in the lovely twilight,
By the little garden gate,
When you feel that I am coming
Darling Lilla do not wait;
Where the roses scent the breezes
And the lilies bloom so fair
Come and greet me with a welcome,
You will ever find me there.
Meet me in the lovely twilight,
When the roses bloom so sweet,
I shall bide your presence, darling,
Wait the coming of your feet!
Meet me in the lovely twilight,
With your eyes aglow with love,
When you hear the songbirds warble
Or the cooing of the dove;
Meet me with true Love's pure token,
While I watch and wait for thee
In the mossy vally Lilla,
Where no prying eyes can see.
Meet me in the lovely twilight,
Ere the stars be-gem the sky,
Where the brooklet's gentle murmur
Echoes pure love's blissful sigh;
Meet me where the weeping willow
Or the tall oak stands so fair,
Come and greet me with a welcome,
Meet me Lilla, ev'rywhere.