Let no heart in sorrow weep for other days;
Let no idle dreamers tell in melting lays
Of the merry meetings in the rosy bowers—
For there's no land on earth like this fair land of ours.
Ho! for Carolina! that's the land for me!
In her happy borders roam the brave and free,
And her bright-eyed daughters! none can fairer be—
Oh! it is the land of love and sweet liberty!
Down in Carolina grows the lofty pine,
And her groves end forests bear the scented vine;
Here are peaceful homes, too, nestling 'mid the flowers—
Oh! there's no land on earth like this fair land of ours.
Come to Carolina in the summer time,
When the luscious fruits are hanging in their prime,
And the maidens singing in the leafy bowers—
Oh! there's no land on earth like this fair land of ours!
Her patriot sons are peaceful, modest, too, and brave,
The first to spurn the shackles intended for the slave;
Disdaining boastful tyrants, they trust in duty's powers—
Oh! there are no men on earth more nobly true than ours!
All her girls are charming, graceful, too, and gay,
Happy as the blue-birds in the month of May;
And they steal your hearts by their magic powers—
Oh! there are no girls on earth that can compare with ours!
Behold her vales and forests, her sparkling brooks and rills,
And fields of golden harvests, her mountains and her hills,
All robed in fairest beauty with nature's sweetest flowers—
Oh! who would not be proud of this heritage of ours?