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20-Note Cobs
Played on the “Gem Roller Organ”, “Concert Roller Organ”, “Chautauqua Roller Organ”, “Home Music Box”, etc.
#572 ...nzon O... (Spanish)
#231 - $15 In My Inside Pocket
#505 - Aa Kjore Vatten (O, Haul the Water—Norwegian)
#521 - Abendlied (Evening Song—German)
#39 - Abide With Me
#757 - Adeste Fideles
#525 - Aennchen von Tharau (Aennchen of Tharau—German)
#692 - Af Dybsens Nod jeg raabe maa (I May call from the Depth of My Misery—Norwegian)
#685 - Af Hoiheden oprunden er (From High there Flows—Norwegian)
#502 - Aftenhvile (Evening Rest—Norwegian)
#600 - After the Ball
#1258 - Ain't we got Fun?
#693 - Ak, vidste du, Som gaar I Syndens (Oh! if you, who is Fettered with Sin, only Knew—Norwegian)
#1247 - Alabama Lullaby
#84 - Aletta
#1187 - Alexander's Rag Time Band
#151 - Alice Polka
#1097 - Alice, Where Art Thou
#1185 - All Alone
#1087 - All Coons Look Alike to Me
#90 - All the Way My Saviour Leads Me
#684 - Allein Gott in der Höh' (Alone on High is He—German)
#674 - Allein Gott in der Höh (God Alone on High—German)
#22 - Almost Persuaded
#522 - Alt Heidelberg (Old Heidelberg—German)
#724 - Ambrosia Hymn
#14 - America
#518 - An die Freiheit (To Liberty—German)
#1275 - Angel Child
#398 - Angels' Waltz
#496 - Angels Hear the Little Prayer
#158 - Annen Waltz, from "Nanon"
#146 - Annie Laurie
#135 - Annie of the Vale
#15 - Antioch
#1143 - Any Rags?
#721 - Anywhere With Jesus
#618 - Anywhere With Jesus
#1232 - Are You From Dixie
#1225 - Are You the O'Reilly?
#7 - Ariel
#207 - The Arkansas Traveler
#580 - Astri! My Astri (Astri! Mi Astri—Norwegian)
#1107 - Georgia Campmeeting (Two Step)
#651 - At the Door
#328 - At the Ferry
#126 - Auld Lang Syne
#113 - Austrian National Hymn
#631 - Autumn
#482 - Awfully Clever
#239 - Baby's Empty Cradle
#188 - Back to Our Mountains
#1078 - Baekken (The Brook—Norwegian)
#628 - Balerma
#1040 - Bartlomiej Glowacki (Polish)
#390 - The Battle-cry of Freedom
#606 - Be Joyful, O My Soul
#389 - The Beau of Saratoga
#155 - The Beautiful Blue Danube
#1263 - Beautiful Ohio
#1213 - Beautiful Star of Heaven
#658 - The Beautiful Vale
#69 - Beautiful Valley of Eden
#1281 - Bebe
#413 - The Bell Goes A-Ringing
#208 - Belle Mahone
#63 - Belmont
#1053 - Ben Bolt
#1211 - Ben Hur Chariot Race
#395 - Betty and the Baby
#78 - Beulah Land
#1138 - Bill Bailey
#1215 - Black Hawk Waltz
#314 - Black Hussar—Waltz
#731 - Blessed Rock
#104 - The Blue Alsatian Mountains
#161 - The Blue Bells of Scotland
#1088 - Blue Eyes
#105 - Waltz—Blue Violets
#235 - Boccaccio Racket
#1057 - Boccaccio Serenade
#117 - Boccherini Minuet
#1103 - Bolero from Fencing Master
#1084 - Bombasto March (Two Step)
#258 - Bonnie Doon
#394 - Bonnie Dundee
#136 - Bonnie Eloise
#528 - Boom! Ta Ra
#583 - Bor jeg paa det hoie Fjeld (Dwell I on Lofty Mount—Norwegian)
#49 - Bowen
#1004 - The Bowery
#1102 - Break the News to Mother
#316 - The Bright and Beautiful Stars
#654 - The Bright Forever
#226 - Bring Back My Bonnie to Me
#245 - Bring Back My Sailor Boy
#24 - Bringing in The Sheaves
#53 - Brownell
#181 - Brucker Lager Marsch
#1033 - Bunk a Doodle I Do
#488 - Buttercups and Daisies
#1140 - By the Sycamore Tree
#198 - The Cadets' March
#1294 - Call Me Back, Pal O' Mine
#664 - Cambridge
#164 - The Campbells are Coming
#416 - Captain Jinks
#568 - Caracolillo (Spanish)
#640 - Caridade (Spanish)
#566 - Polka—Carlotta (Spanish)
#609 - Carried by the Angels
#1184 - Casey Jones
#1218 - Cavalleria Rusticana
#637 - Certeza (Spanish)
#353 - Chabela (Spanish)
#639 - Chamanda (Spanish)
#434 - Champagne Charlie
#463 - Chateau Margaux
#393 - Cheer, Boys, Cheer
#1162 - Cheyenne
#556 - "Chimes of Normandy" Quadrilles—I
#557 - "Chimes of Normandy" Quadrilles—II
#558 - "Chimes of Normandy" Quadrilles—III
#559 - "Chimes of Normandy" Quadrilles—IV
#560 - "Chimes of Normandy" Quadrilles—V
#432 - Chop-Sticks Waltz
#143 - Chorus from Castor and Pollux
#125 - Chorus from I Puritani
#31 - Christmas
#66 - Church
#450 - Clayton's Grand March
#115 - Climbing up the Golden Stairs
#213 - College Hornpipe
#392 - Come Back to Erin
#448 - Come Sit By Me Mother
#644 - Come to Me
#62 - Come Ye Disconsolate
#93 - Come, Great Deliverer, Come
#614 - Come, Spirit, Come
#268 - Comin' Thro' the Rye
#643 - Coming To-day
#515 - Comrades
#1204 - Convent Bells
#1142 - Coochi Coochi
#741 - Coronation
#296 - Cousin Jedediah
#1132 - Creole Belles
#234 - Waltz—Cricket on the Hearth
#310 - Croquet, Schottische
#236 - Cuckoo Song
#1027 - Daddy Wouldn't buy Me a Bow-Wow
#349 - Dairy-Maid Waltz
#1206 - Daisies Won't Tell
#1010 - Daisy Bell
#1041 - Dalej chlopcy, bierzmy kosy (Polish)
#400 - Dar am Honey on Dese Lips
#433 - The Flying Trapeze
#1070 - The Darkie's Dream
#173 - Darling Bessie of the Lea
#144 - Darling Nelly Gray
#308 - Das Kleine Deutsche Heim (The Little German Home—German)
#462 - Waltz, The Dawn
#489 - De Lime Kiln Club
#570 - De Madrid a Paris (Spanish)
#370 - Dear Evalina, Sweet Evalina
#1257 - Dear Old Pal of Mine
#427 - The Dear Old Village School
#187 - Dearest May
#1170 - Dearie
#686 - Den store hvide Flok vi se (The Large, White Band we See—Norwegian)
#510 - Den Tapre Landsoldat (The Brave Soldier—Norwegian)
#40 - Dennis
#211 - Waltz from "Die Afrikareise"
#591 - Der Ligger et Land, No.1b (There Lies a Fair Land, No.1b—Norwegian)
#579 - Der Ligger et Land, No.2b (There Lies a Fair Land, No.2b—Norwegian)
#524 - Der Lindenbaum (Linden Tree—German)
#318 - Deutsches National-Lied (German National Song—German)
#247 - The Devil's Dream
#211 - Waltz from "Die Afrikareise"
#128 - Die Lorelei (The Lorelei—German)
#127 - Die Wacht am Rhine (The Watch on the Rhine—German)
#205 - Dixie
#1130 - Dolly Grey
#468 - Dolores Waltzer No.1 (Spanish)
#469 - Dolores Waltzer No.2 (Spanish)
#230 - Don't Be Angry With Me, Darling
#1176 - Don't Take Me Home
#373 - Don't You Hear the Baby Crying
#1085 - Dora Dean
#145 - Dora's Waltz
#284 - Down Among the Sugar Cane
#414 - Down by the Blooming Apple Tree
#365 - Down by the Old Abbey Ruin
#408 - Down by the Willow in the Lane
#1067 - Down in Poverty Row
#442 - Down On the Farm
#388 - Down the Shady Grove
#309 - Down Went McGinty
#1134 - Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow
#620 - Draw Me Closer to Thee
#1295 - Dream Daddy
#1018 - Dream Memories
#132 - The Dreamland Waltz
#1280 - Dreamy Melody
#1284 - Drifting back to Dreamland
#1023 - Drinking Song—Rusticana
#694 - Du Hoje Fryd for rene Sjaele (Great Happiness for Clean Souls—Norwegian)
#162 - Du, Du, Liegst Mir im Herzen (You, You, Nearest My Heart—German)
#624 - Duane Street
#485 - The Dude Galop
#5 - Duke Street
#467 - Duo De Pippo Y Bettine (Spanish)
#1205 - The Dying Poet
#311 - Eglantine, Polka Mazurka
#415 - Eileen Allanna
#677 - Ein' Feste Burg ist unser Gott (A Firm Mountain is our God—German)
#1125 - El Capitan, No.1 (March)
#1126 - El Capitan, No.2 (March)
#567 - El Casino (Spanish)
#466 - "El Ganga" (Spanish)
#530 - Toropo—El Gato (Spanish)
#549 - Toropo—El Guante (Spanish)
#597 - El Monitor—Schottische (Spanish)
#574 - El Mulatico (Spanish)
#535 - Waltz—El Paraizo (Spanish)
#537 - Waltz—El Perdon (Spanish)
#565 - Waltz—El Postorcillo (Spanish)
#538 - Toropo—El Tuerto (Spanish)
#1115 - Eli Green's Cake Walk
#1260 - Emaline
#315 - En Pleine Chasse, Galop
#457 - Waltz, Estudiantina
#687 - Et lidet Barn saa Lystelig (A Little Child so Happy—Norwegian)
#42 - Even Me
#1224 - Evening Star
#730 - Everlasting Arms
#1154 - Everybody Works But Father
#1180 - Everybody's Doing It
#382 - Excursion Waltz
#642 - Exultacao (Spanish)
#760 - Face To Face
#511 - Faedrelandssang (Song of the Native Land—Norwegian)
#1220 - Falling Star
#449 - Fan Tain March
#281 - Far Away Where Angels Dwell
#1222 - Farewell to the Pianoforte
#1039 - The Fatal Wedding
#564 - Favorita Danzon, Cubanos (Spanish)
#542 - Waltz—Feadora (Spanish)
#1256 - Feather Your Nest
#45 - Federal Street
#269 - Finnish March
#64 - Finnish National Hymn
#1056 - Fire Flies
#1131 - Fisher's Hornpipe
#82 - Fisk
#589 - Fjeld og Skov er klaedt med Gronske (Fields and Woods are Crowned with Verdure—Norwegian)
#351 - Flee as a Bird
#551 - Waltz—Flor de Mayo (Spanish)
#263 - Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
#1110 - Flower Song
#160 - Flowers That Bloom (Mikado)
#183 - The Flyaway Galop
#433 - The Flying Trapeze
#92 - Follow On
#380 - For Goodness Sake Don't Say I Told You
#695 - Far Verden Farvel (To the World Farewell—Norwegian)
#720 - Frälsta aro vi (Loved are We—Swedish)
#452 - Fresh Life—March
#4 - From Greenland's Icy Mountains
#605 - From Heaven I am Coming
#696 - Fryd dig, du Kristi Brud (Rejoice, You Bride of Christ—Norwegian)
#1025 - The Future Mrs. 'Awkins
#1104 - Gabriella Brown, March Song
#444 - Galop, Jolly Brothers
#221 - Galop—A Day in Vienna
#553 - Galop—Little Fairy
#1073 - Gamle Norge (Old Norway—Norwegian)
#623 - The Garden of the Lord
#322 - Gasparone Waltz
#656 - Gathering Home
#371 - Gathering Shells
#201 - "Gay Life" Quadrilles—II
#200 - "Gay Life" Quadrilles—I
#202 - "Gay Life" Quadrilles—III
#203 - "Gay Life" Quadrilles—IV
#204 - "Gay Life" Quadrilles—V
#1147 - Gdy Narod Do Boju (Polish)
#480 - General Grant's Grand March
#222 - Gen. Boulanger's March
#1107 - Georgia Campmeeting (Two Step)
#50 - Geneva
#150 - Waltz—German Hearts
#301 - The Girl I Left Behind Me
#97 - Gläds, O Kristi Brud (Rejoice, O Bride of Christ—Swedish)
#749 - The Glory Song
#726 - Glory to His Name!
#659 - Glory to Jesus
#1182 - Glow Worm
#87 - Go Bury Thy Sorrow
#428 - Go to Sleep My Baby Girl
#617 - God be With You
#194 - The Golden Slippers
#1240 - Good Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You
#294 - Good-Bye, My Old Southern Home
#116 - Waltz—Good News
#1035 - The Good Old Annual
#347 - Good Luck Mazurka
#272 - Grandfather's Clock
#70 - Greenville
#174 - The Guards' Waltz
#697 - Guds Godhed vil vi Prise (God's Goodness Will we Praise—Norwegian)
#520 - Haideroeslein (Rose of the Heather—German)
#277 - Hail Columbia
#635 - Happy Day
#478 - Happy Hearts—Polka Mazurka
#1160 - Happy Heinie
#438 - Happy Hours
#422 - Hark! the Angels Sweetly Singing
#732 - Hark, 'tis the Song of Angels
#32 - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
#341 - Harugari Lodge Song—I
#342 - Harugari Lodge Song—II
#343 - Harugari Lodge Song—III
#33 - Harwell
#729 - Haven of Rest
#18 - He Leadeth Me
#28 - He Will Hide Me
#1055 - Hearts
#1189 - Hearts and Flowers
#739 - Hebron
#1042 - Hej Mazury, hejze ha (Polish)
#717 - Hej Slovane (Bohemian)
#1112 - Hello—Ma Baby
#34 - Hendon
#240 - Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
#698 - Herre, jeg har handlet ilde (Lord, I have done Wrong—Norwegian)
#177 - He's Going to Marry (Mikado)
#1139 - Hiawatha (Two Step)
#1254 - Hiawatha's Melody of Love
#615 - Hiding in the Rock
#1113 - High Born Lady
#577 - The High School Cadets March
#257 - Hil dig, du hoie Nord (Hail, Thou High North—Norwegian)
#668 - Hjertelig mig nu laenges (Now I Wish With All My Heart—Norwegian)
#305 - Ho! For Carolina
#657 - Hold On
#12 - Hold the Fort
#1128 - Holy City
#758 - Holy God We Praise Thy Name
#1120 - Home to Our Mountains
#20 - The Home over There
#123 - Home, Sweet Home
#346 - Homeless, Wandering Child
#1181 - Honey Man
#1054 - The Honeymoon March
#1083 - Hot Time in the Old Town
#1157 - How Would You like to Spoon with Me?
#54 - Hummel
#1268 - Humming
#1209 - Humoreske
#130 - The Hunter's March
#46 - Hursley
#699 - Hvad er det Godt i Jesu Arme (How good it is in the arms of Jesus—Norwegian)
#700 - Hvad kan os komme til for nod (No Harm can come to us—Norwegian)
#670 - Hvo veed hvor naer er min Ende (Who Knows how near is My End—Norwegian)
#671 - Hvor salig er den Lille Flok (How Blessed the Little Band—Norwegian)
#1270 - I Ain't Nobody's Darling
#85 - I am Praying for You
#1197 - I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier
#1050 - I Don't want to Play in Your Yard
#134 - Marble Halls
#41 - I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
#701 - I Jesu Navn skal al vor Gjerning ske (All our Works shall be in the Name of Jesus—Norwegian)
#1135 - I Left Because I Love You
#1178 - I Love My Wife, but O You Kid
#19 - I Love to tell The Story
#3 - I Need Thee, Every Hour
#1277 - I Want My Mammy
#27 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer
#1177 - I Wish I Had a Girl
#681 - Ich Habe nun den Grund gefunden (I've Now Found the Rock—German)
#1158 - If a Girl Like You Loved a Boy Like Me
#1029 - If I were a Royal Lady
#743 - Ihr Kinderlein Kommt
#490 - I'll Get Rid of My Mother-in-Law
#424 - I'll go Back to the Old Bridge Again
#237 - I'll Remember You, Love
#9 - I'll Stand By Until the Morning
#251 - I'll Take You Home Again
#405 - I'll Tell Your Wife
#79 - I'm a Shepherd of the Valley
#552 - I'm Getting Too Big to Kiss
#242 - I'm Just Going Down By The Gate
#1241 - I'm on My Way to Dublin Bay
#290 - In Her Little Bed We Laid Her
#1030 - In Love with the Man in the Moon
#1214 - In the Baggage Coach Ahead
#129 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
#131 - In the Gloaming
#1136 - In the Good Old Summertime
#1243 - In the Harbor of Home Sweet Home
#1145 - In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
#645 - In the Shadow of His Wings
#58 - In the Silent Midnight Watches
#1238 - In the Sweet Long Ago
#1282 - Indiana Moon
#1122 - Intermezzo Rusticana
Iowa Corn Song
#1229 - Ireland Must be Heaven
#193 - Irish Valet's Song
#246 - The Irish Washerwoman
#21 - Is My Name Written There
#588 - Island (Iceland—Norwegian)
#736 - It is God's Way
#607 - It is Now Time
#1193 - It's a Long way to Tipperary
#167 - It's Funny When You Feel That Way
#178 - I've Got Him on My List
#586 - Ja, her Hjemme (Home Again—Norwegian)
#1043 - Jak Sie Macie Bartlomieju (Polish)
#441 - Waltz—Jeffrie's Yacht Club
#1077 - Jeg Husker mit Faedreneland (I Remember My Native Land—Norwegian)
#1005 - Jennie Riley
#254 - Jennie, the Flower of Kildare
#735 - Jerusalem the Golden
#704 - Jerusalem, du Hochgebaute Stadt (Jerusalem, Thou High Built City—German)
#689 - Jesu, din sode Forening at smage (Jesus, How Sweet to Commingle with You—Norwegian)
#688 - Jesu, dine dybe Vunder (Jesus, Thine Deep Wounds—Norwegian)
#745 - Jesus is Mine
#750 - Jesus Loves Me
#73 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
#94 - Jesus, Min Bäste Vän (Jesus, My Best Friend—Swedish)
#95 - Jesus, Nadens Källa (Jesus, Well of Mercy—Swedish)
#1148 - Jeszcze Polska (Polish)
#1044 - Jeszcze P. nie zginela (Polish)
#676 - Jetzt singt und seid Fröhlich (Now Sing and be Glad—German)
#250 - Jingle Bells
#1094 - Jo Joutui Armas Aika (Finnish)
#399 - John Brown
#232 - Johnnie, Get Your Hair Cut
#435 - The Jolly Dude
#464 - "Jota" La Bruja (Spanish)
#278 - Juanita
#75 - Jul-Psalm (Christmas Hymn—Swedish)
#1276 - Just a Little Love Song
#13 - Just as I Am
#1117 - Just as the Sun went Down
#497 - Just Because You Kissed Me Darling
#1118 - Just One Girl
#1058 - Just Tell Them That You Saw Me
#326 - Katy's Waltz
#715 - Kde Domov Muj (Bohemian)
#1244 - Keep the Home Fires Burning
#266 - Killarney
#252 - Waltz—King of the Fairies
#702 - Kirken den er et gammelt Hus (The Church is an Old house—Norwegian)
#1269 - Kiss-A-Miss Waltz
#475 - Kiss Me as I Fall to Sleep
#209 - The Kiss Waltz
#291 - Kitty King
#241 - Kitty Wells
#506 - Kjölstadt-Visen (Kjölstad Song—Norwegian)
#603 - Knocking, Knocking, Who is There?
#1149 - Krakowiak (Song & Dance) (Polish)
#719 - Kydz jsem k vam chodival (Bohemian)
#718 - Kydz te vidim (Bohemian)
#539 - Toropo—La Batea (Spanish)
#352 - La Eganosa (Spanish)
#598 - La Florera—Polka (Spanish)
#563 - La Golondrina (Spanish)
#596 - La Lagartijos (Spanish)
#599 - La Mananitas (Spanish)
#124 - Marseillaise Hymn
#168 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—I
#169 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—II
#170 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—III
#171 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—IV
#172 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—V
#354 - La Pantera de San Cosme (Spanish)
#1195 - The Lads in Navy Blue
#1111 - Land of My Fathers (Welsh)
#665 - Lanesboro
#396 - Langtry Waltzes, Nos. 1 & 2
#397 - Langtry Waltzes, Nos. 3 & 4
#411 - Lardy Dah
#149 - The Last Rose of Summer
#1141 - Laughing Water
#1091 - Laulappas mun kutlassen (Finnish)
#179 - Laura Waltz, No.1
#180 - Laura Waltz, No.2
#1002 - Lauterbach (The Lauterbach Maiden—German)
#1164 - Lazy Moon
#734 - Lead Kindly Light
#1216 - Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall
#147 - The Leap Year Waltz
#1278 - Leave Me With a Smile
#622 - Lebanon
#527 - Lebewohl bis wir uns Wiedersehen (Farewell Till We Meet Again—German)
#632 - Leighton
#101 - Waltz—Les Roses
#25 - Let the Lower Lights be Burning
#1250 - Let the Rest of the World Go By
#182 - Life Let us Cherish
#267 - A Life on the Ocean Wave
#220 - The Lighthouse By the Sea
#1060 - The Lilacs
#1192 - Lilly Dale
#1146 - Lindy
#1296 - Linger Awhile
#1021 - Linger Longer Loo
#453 - Listen to My Tale of Woe
#156 - Listen to The Mocking Bird
#437 - Little Ah Sid
#1020 - Little Alabama Coon
#335 - Little Annie Rooney (Waltz Song)
#652 - Little Children, You May Come
#256 - The Little Fishermaiden
#361 - Little Footsteps
#166 - The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane
#484 - The Little Log Cabin's the Home After All
#286 - Little Maggie May
#166 - The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane
#360 - Little Widow Dunn
#1108 - Llwyn Onn (The Ash Grove—Welsh)
#562 - Lo Major de Les Hinas (Spanish)
#706 - Lobe den Herrn, O Meine Seele (Praise the Lord, O My Soul—German)
#74 - Lofsang (Song of Praise—Swedish)
#716 - Louceni, Louceni (Bohemian)
#663 - Louvan
#666 - Lover den Herre (Praise the Lord—Norwegian)
#196 - Waltz Song, "Love Comes"
#407 - Waltz—Love's Dreamland
#1015 - Love's Golden Dream
#329 - Love's Old, Sweet Song
#1271 - Love's Ship
#487 - Lullaby from "Erminie"
#52 - Luton
#1093 - Ma Oksalla Ylimmalla (Finnish)
#1051 - Maggie Maloney
#516 - Maggie Murphy's Home
#753 - Magnificat
#526 - Mai ist Gekommen (May is Come—German)
#378 - Waltz—Maid of Beauty
#1208 - The Maiden's Prayer
#228 - Waltz—A Maiden's Song
#1007 - The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
#446 - Manhattan Polka
#35 - Manoah
#319 - Manola Waltz
#134 - Marble Halls
#1024 - March of the Men of Harlech (Welsh)
#1066 - March—Cosmos
#426 - March—Don Caesar
#1297 - Marcheta
#109 - Marching Through Georgia
#1253 - Margie
#1031 - Marguerite of Monte Carlo
#629 - Marlow
#289 - Marsch: "Dane Lik Asken, Bröder" (March: "Done Lik"—Swedish)
#124 - Marseillaise Hymn
#1150 - Marsz Mieroslawskiego (Polish)
#517 - Mary and John
#387 - Mary Ann I'll Tell Your Ma
#271 - Mary Blane
#275 - Maryland, My Maryland
#270 - Massa's in de Cold Ground
#249 - Massa's Wedding Night
#584 - Mats og Larts (Mass and Lass—Norwegian)
#714 - Ma zlata Marenko (Bohemian)
#471 - Mazurka de los Marineritos (Spanish)
#536 - Mazurka—La Antorcha (Spanish)
#550 - Mazurka—La Guayana (Spanish)
#534 - Mazurka—La Vencedora (Spanish)
#300 - The Mclntyres
#350 - Meadow Brook Waltz
#217 - Medley Jig
#1235 - Meet Me at Twilight
#118 - Meet Me in the Lovely Twilight
#641 - Memorial (Spanish)
#1236 - Memories
#83 - Mendebras
#1190 - Mendelssohn's Wedding March
#1171 - Merry Widow Waltz
#595 - Mi Laud—Valie (Spanish)
#1201 - Midnight Fire Alarm No.1
#1202 - Midnight Fire Alarm No.2
#439 - Midnight Squad
#77 - Midsommar-sang (Midsummer Hymn—Swedish)
#662 - Migdol
#141 - Mignonette Polka
#340 - Milkmaid Marriage Song—Waltz
#323 - Mill-Stream Waltz
#96 - Min Kärlek Star till Gud Allena (My Love to God Alone—Swedish)
#1081 - Min ven er der (My Love is There—Norwegian)
#1016 - The Miner's Dream of Home
#165 - The Minstrel Boy
#120 - Minuet—Bright Eyes
#219 - Minuet—R. Schumann
#494 - "Mirage" Valse (Waltz)
#137 - Miserere, from Il Trovatore
#298 - Miss McLeod's Reel
#1274 - Mississippi Cradle
#1251 - Missouri Waltz
#1137 - Mister Dooley
#358 - Mistletoe Schottische
#590 - Mit Fodeland (My Native Land—Norwegian)
#523 - Mit Herz und Hand (With Heart and Hand—German)
#1076 - Mit Hjem er i Himlen (My Home is in Heaven—Norwegian)
#409 - Modjeska Waltz
#1019 - Molly and I and the Baby
#243 - Money Musk
#540 - Toropo—Monico (Spanish)
#1227 - Moonlight Bay
#727 - More about Jesus
#86 - More Love to Thee, O Christ
#1129 - Mosquito Parade
#391 - Waltz—Moss Agate
#259 - Most Excellent Master Song (Masonic)
#1123 - Moth and Flame
#1234 - M-O-T-H-E-R
#1230 - Mother Machree
#474 - Mother Says I Mustn't
#1064 - Mother was a Lady
#357 - Mother, Dearest, Raise My Pillow
#610 - Move Forward
#47 - Mozart
#574 - El Mulatico (Spanish)
#638 - Mundo Feliz (Spanish)
#330 - My Beautiful Native Land
#492 - My Beautiful Rose
#499 - My Boy Across the Sea
#331 - My Darling is a Daisy
#1163 - My Irish Molly O
#1233 - My Little Girl
#1261 - My Mammy
#593 - My Mary Green
#421 - My Mother's Old Red Shawl
#1069 - My Old Kentucky Home
#1231 - My Own Iona
#1052 - My Pearl is a Bowery Girl
#111 - Waltz—My Queen
#650 - My Sabbath Home
#1267 - My Sunny Tennessee
#594 - My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon
#1289 - My Sweetie Went Away
#324 - My Thoughts Shall Dwell With Thee
#1174 - My Wife's Gone to the Country
#460 - Waltz, Myosotis
#1151 - Na Barykady (Polish)
#503 - Naar Harpen Tier (When the Harp is Still—Norwegian)
#445 - Waltz—Nadjy
#1169 - Napoleon's March
#1121 - Narcissus
#1045 - Nasz Chlopicki wojak (Polish)
#359 - Naughty Clara
#2 - Nearer, My God, To Thee
#481 - Neath the Roses Long Ago
#144 - Darling Nelly Gray
#738 - Nettleton
#429 - "New York Glide" Waltzes—I
#430 - "New York Glide" Waltzes—II
#431 - "New York Glide" Waltzes—III
#223 - Waltz—Nick of the Woods
#461 - Waltz, Nid D'Amour
#532 - Waltz—No Llores (Spanish)
#746 - No, Not One!
#1264 - Nobody's Baby
#339 - Nobody's Darling but Mine
#1082 - Nokken (Nix—Norwegian)
#288 - Nordens Fjällar (Northern Mountains—Swedish)
#587 - Nordsoen (The North Sea—Norwegian)
#501 - Norsk Flagsang (Norwegian Banner song—Norwegian)
#514 - Norsk Flagsang (Norwegian Banner song—Norwegian)
#500 - Norsk Folkesang (Norwegian Song—Norwegian)
#412 - Not for Joseph
#680 - Nun Danket Alle Gott (Rejoice All in God—German)
#679 - Nun Jauchzet All' (Let us all Rejoice—German)
#759 - O Du Frohliche, O Du Selige
#477 - O Fred, Tell them to Stop
#703 - O Helligaand, du skat saa skjon (Oh Holy Ghost, You Precious Treasure—Norwegian)
#752 - O Lord I am Not Worthy
#754 - O Salutaris
#16 - O to be Over Yonder
#154 - O Ye Tears!
#582 - O, Ole elsked dig saa Kjaert (Oh! Ole Loved You Dearly—Norwegian)
#248 - Ocean Telegraph March
#1186 - Oceana Roll
#186 - Oft in The Stilly Night
#443 - Oh My Darling Clementine
#1265 - Oh What a Pal was Mary
#1028 - Oh! Mr. Porter
#274 - Oh! Susanna
#555 - Oh! What a Difference in the Morning
#417 - Oh! You Little Darling
#404 - Oh! You Little Rascal
#1188 - Oh, You Beautiful Doll
#262 - Old Black Joe
#121 - Old Folks at Home
#71 - Old Hundred
#304 - The Old North State
#283 - The Old Oaken Bucket
#1262 - Old Pal, Why Don't You Answer Me?
#112 - Old Uncle Ned
#366 - Old Wooden Rocker
#385 - On de Banks of de Ribber Side
#1090 - On the Banks of the Wabash
#1062 - On the Benches in the Park
#355 - On The Waves, Waltz
#363 - Only a Dream of My Mother
#602 - Only a Step to Jesus
#493 - Only a Violet Blossom
#26 - Only an Armor Bearer
#1059 - Only One Girl in the World for Me
#139 - Only to see Thee, Darling
#99 - Onward Go
#6 - Onward, Christian Soldiers
#690 - Op alle, som paa Jorden bo (Up All who Dwell on Earth—Norwegian)
#227 - Waltz Song—Orange Blossoms
#313 - Oriental Mazurka
#1175 - Original Rags
#740 - Ortonville
#1046 - Orzel Bialy (Polish)
#455 - Oscar Wilde Galop
#302 - Our National Hymn (Spanish)
#498 - Out in the Snow
#1199 - Over the Waves
#1245 - Over There
#508 - Paal paa Haugen (Paul in the Meadow—Norwegian)
#1291 - Pal of All Pals
#1285 - Pal of My Dreams
#138 - The Parade March
#55 - Paradise
#292 - The Party at the Zoo
#98 - Paska är Kommen (Easter is Coming—Swedish)
#76 - Pask-Psalm (Easter Hymn—Swedish)
#72 - Pass Me Not
#465 - Passa Calle, No.1 (Spanish)
#473 - Passa Calle, No.2 (Spanish)
#1047 - Patrz Kosciuszko na nas z nieba (Polish)
#576 - Peggy Cline
#1259 - Peggy O'Neil
#1237 - A Perfect Day
#418 - Perhaps He's on the Railway
#1037 - Phoebe Dill
#1156 - A Picnic for Two
#653 - Pilgrim's Song
#531 - Waltz—Prision Crespo (Spanish)
#712 - Pisne dcery ducha meho (Bohemian)
#185 - Plantation Galop
#36 - Pleyel's Hymn
#133 - Policemen's Chorus
#561 - Polka Mazurka Celestial (Spanish)
#423 - Polka—Peep-O'-Day
#458 - Polka-Mazurka, Adrienne
#197 - Polka—Ah There!
#541 - Polka—Aurora (Spanish)
#472 - Polka—De los Ingleses (Spanish)
#548 - Polka—Fu Donaire (Spanish)
#546 - Polka—La Alfombra (Spanish)
#102 - Polka—La Bonne Bouche
#547 - Polka—La Constancia (Spanish)
#545 - Polka—La Independencia (Spanish)
#543 - Polka—Mi Esperanza (Spanish)
#153 - Polka—On the Wing
#533 - Polka—Tu Cuelga (Spanish)
#233 - Poor Old Dad
#59 - Portuguese Hymn
#30 - Precious Name
#1106 - Premier March (Two Step)
#495 - Pretty as a Butterfly
#1239 - Pretty Baby
#479 - Pretty Little Dark Blue Eyes
#713 - Prijde Jaro Prijde (Bohemian)
#348 - Prince Imperial Galop
#630 - The Prodigal Child
#199 - Promenade Quickstep
#29 - Pull for the Shore
#238 - Put My Little Shoes Away
#529 - Waltz—Que Carazon (Spanish)
#195 - The Quilting Party
#456 - Racquet Waltz
#1207 - Rainbow
#61 - Rathbun
#299 - Razzle Dazzle, Lanciers
#1183 - Red Rose Rag
#1173 - Red Wing
#279 - Red, White and Blue
#744 - Redeemed
#364 - Redowa, Puss in Boots
#512 - Reisesang (Song of Travel—Norwegian)
#57 - Repose
#91 - Rescue the Perishing
#175 - Rhine Wine Charley
#1034 - The Rickety, Rackety Crew
#367 - Rig-a-Jig
#67 - Rock of Ages
#255 - Rock-a-Bye Baby
#1105 - Romance from Anne Boleyn
#1026 - Round the Town
#1011 - The Rowdy Dowdy Boys
#260 - Royal Arch Ode (Masonic)
#1194 - Rule Britannia
#627 - Sabbath
#592 - Saeterjentens Sondag (Chalet Girl's Sunday—Norwegian)
#646 - Safe to Land
#189 - The Sailor Boy's Reel
#122 - Sailors' Hornpipe
#509 - Sangen (The Song—Norwegian)
#504 - Sangerafsked (Singers' Farewell—Norwegian)
#636 - Saudades (Spanish)
#625 - Saul
#369 - Save the Sweetest Kiss for Me
#1198 - School Days
#406 - Schottische, Always smiling
#420 - Schottische, Happy-Go-Lucky
#368 - Schottische, Little Beauty
#379 - Schottische—Patti
#554 - Schottische—White Elephant
#519 - Schwäbisches Volkslied (Suabian Folk Song—German)
#244 - Scotch Lassie Jean
#152 - See Saw Waltz
#225 - See that My Grave's Kept Green
#621 - Seeking for Me
#634 - Shall we Gather at the River
#80 - Shall we Meet Beyond the River
#1101 - She was Bred in Old Kentucky
#214 - She's Such a Love
#1179 - Shine on, Harvest Moon
#10 - The Shining Shore—Nelson
#11 - Sicilian Hymn
#661 - Sicily
#1038 - The Sidewalks of New York
#711 - Sil Jsem Proso (Bohemian)
#742 - Silent Night
#1152 - Silver Heels
#660 - Silver Street
#476 - Silver Threads Among the Gold
#578 - The Skirt Dance
#372 - Slavery Days
#459 - Slavery's Passed Away
#334 - Slide, Kelly, Slide
#1293 - A Smile will go a Long, Long Way
#1114 - Smoky Mokes
#454 - Snow-Drift Waltz
#667 - Sode Jesu, vi er her (Sweet Jesus, We are Here—Norwegian)
#89 - Softly and Tenderly
#1127 - Soldiers in the Park
#106 - The Soldier's Joy
#1196 - The Soldiers of the King
#1075 - Solnedgang (Sunset—Norwegian)
#374 - Some Day I'll Wander Back Again
#611 - Some Sweet Day
#737 - Sometime We'll Understand
#612 - Somewhere To-night
#1074 - Som'ren Svandt (Summer is Gone—Norwegian)
#215 - Song, Many Joined
#585 - Sonner af Norge (Minstrel Awaken—Norwegian)
#253 - The Spanish Cavalier
#362 - Spanish Guitar
#1223 - Spring Song
#672 - St. Bride
#51 - St. Catharine
#44 - St. Martin's
#297 - St. Patrick's Day
#756 - Stabat Mater
#649 - Stand on the Rock
#1242 - Star of the East
#273 - The Star Spangled Banner
#1159 - Starlight
#1096 - Stars and Stripes Forever, March
#285 - Stop that Knocking at the Door
#648 - The Story Never Old
#344 - Strolling On Brooklyn Bridge
#513 - Studentersang (Students' song—Norwegian)
#325 - The Student's Song
#1022 - "Such a Game"—Pagliacci
#673 - Suche wo du Willst (Seek Where You Will—German)
#381 - Summer Holiday
#338 - A Summer Shower
#1100 - Sunny Side Clog
#1124 - Sunny Tennessee
#321 - Sunset Schottische
#725 - Sunshine in the Soul
#306 - Waltz—Sunshine of Love
#1061 - The Sunshine of Paradise Alley
#287 - Suomi (ekö) Sang (Suomis (echo) Song—Swedish)
#1092 - Svensk Bröllopsmarsch (Swedish Wedding March—Swedish)
#261 - Svensk Marsch (Swedish March—Swedish)
#332 - Svensk National Marsch (Swedish National March—Swedish)
#218 - Svensk National sang (Swedish National Hymn—Swedish)
#1272 - Swanee River Moon
#1092 - Svensk Bröllopsmarsch (Swedish Wedding March—Swedish)
#8 - Sweeping Through The Gates
#1210 - Sweet Bunch of Daisies
#68 - Sweet Hour of Prayer
#356 - A Sweet Little Kiss at the Door
#491 - Sweet Little Stanny Snow
#1036 - Sweet Marie
#1071 - Sweet Rosie O'Grady
#755 - Sweet Savior
#1099 - Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer
#436 - Sweet Thoughts
#108 - Sweet Violets
#336 - Sweetbrier Waltz
#320 - Sweetheart Waltz
#312 - Swinging—Waltz Song
#303 - The Swallow
#1 - The Sweet Bye And Bye
#1165 - Sympathy
#1072 - Take a Day Off Mary Ann
#337 - Take Back the Heart
#375 - Take Me Back to Home and Mother
#1133 - Tale of the Kangaroo
#1168 - Tammany
#1200 - Tannhauser March
#751 - Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
#403 - Tassels on Her Boots
#710 - Tazete se proc jsem Slovan (Bohemian)
#748 - Tell Mother I'll be There
#1273 - Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
#280 - Tenting on the Old Camp Ground
#608 - Thank Almighty God
#1252 - That Naughty Waltz
#1286 - That Old Gang of Mine
#1017 - Then You Wink the other Eye
#157 - Then You'll Remember Me
#282 - There is a Tavern in the Town
#1086 - There'll Come a Time
#1226 - There's a Quaker Down in Quakertown
#384 - There's Music in the Air
#1032 - They All Take After Me
#655 - They Gather One by One
#148 - Thou Art so Near and Yet so Far
#1290 - Through the Night
#604 - Thy Servant I Will Be
#507 - Thyre Danebods Vise (Thyre Danebod's Song—Norwegian)
#1079 - Tidlig om Morg'nen (Early in the Morning—Norwegian)
#581 - Til Norge, Kjaempers Fodeland (To Norway, Mother of the Brave—Norwegian)
#1095 - Till Osterland vill jag fara (To the East will I Travel—Swedish)
#206 - Waltz—Till we Meet Again
#142 - Time will Roll the Clouds Away
#1013 - Ting-a-ling-ting-tay
#722 - 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
#601 - To the Work
#276 - Tommy Dodd
#544 - Toropo—El Nere (Spanish)
#1001 - The Tourists' March
#216 - The Zigzag Clog
#1008 - Trabajar Companeros (Spanish)
#229 - Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
#1217 - Träumerei
#114 - Waltz—Tres Jolie
#1246 - Tripoli
#425 - Tripping Through the Daisies
#619 - Trust and Obey
#1266 - Tuck Me to Sleep
#1172 - Turkey in the Straw
#1014 - "Twiggy Voo"
#1006 - Two Little Girls in Blue (Waltz)
#159 - Tyroler and Child
#184 - Tyrolian Song
#709 - Uber den Blauen See (Beyond the Blue Sea—German)
#1144 - Under the Anheuser Bush
#1219 - Under the Double Eagle—March
#1283 - Under the Mellow Moon
#419 - Up in a Balloon
#1065 - Up the Street, March
#1080 - Vaarsang (Spring Song—Norwegian)
#470 - Vals del Caballero de Gracia (Spanish)
#264 - Vasa-Svensk Marsch (Wasa-Swedish March—Swedish)
#708 - Verbleib bei mir (Tarry with Me—German)
#683 - Verlass mich Nicht (Leave Me Not—German)
#110 - Victoria Polonaise
#119 - Vienna Polka
#377 - Waltz—Violet
#383 - A Violet from Mother's Grave
#678 - Vom Himmel Hoch (From Heaven High—German)
#669 - Vor Gud han er saa fast (Our God is Always True—Norwegian)
#317 - Vort Hjem I Nordens Land (Our Home in Northern Land—Norwegian)
#1279 - Wabash Blues
#682 - Wach auf, mein Herz (Arise, My Soul—German)
#613 - Wait and Murmur Not
#224 - Wait Till the Clouds Roll by
#1153 - Wait 'till the Sun Shines, Nellie
#1166 - Waiting at the Church
#626 - Walk in the Light
#228 - Waltz—A Maiden's Song
#105 - Waltz—Blue Violets
#234 - Waltz—Cricket on the Hearth
#211 - Waltz from "Die Afrikareise"
#535 - Waltz—El Paraizo (Spanish)
#537 - Waltz—El Perdon (Spanish)
#457 - Waltz, Estudiantina
#542 - Waltz—Feadora (Spanish)
#551 - Waltz—Flor de Mayo (Spanish)
#150 - Waltz—German Hearts
#116 - Waltz—Good News
#441 - Waltz—Jeffrie's Yacht Club
#252 - Waltz—King of the Fairies
#101 - Waltz—Les Roses
#196 - Waltz Song, "Love Comes"
#407 - Waltz—Love's Dreamland
#378 - Waltz—Maid of Beauty
#391 - Waltz—Moss Agate
#111 - Waltz—My Queen
#460 - Waltz, Myosotis
#445 - Waltz—Nadjy
#223 - Waltz—Nick of the Woods
#461 - Waltz, Nid D'Amour
#532 - Waltz—No Llores (Spanish)
#227 - Waltz Song—Orange Blossoms
#531 - Waltz—Prision Crespo (Spanish)
#529 - Waltz—Que Carazon (Spanish)
#306 - Waltz—Sunshine of Love
#462 - Waltz, The Dawn
#206 - Waltz—Till we Meet Again
#114 - Waltz—Tres Jolie
#377 - Waltz—Violet
#1098 - Warmest Baby in the Bunch
#675 - Warum sollt' ich mich denn grämen (Why Should I Mourn—German)
#38 - Warwick
#210 - Was it Fair
#1009 - The Washington Post March
#43 - Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
#345 - Water Lily Polka
#1109 - The Waterfall (Wasserfall, Tyrolien song)
#333 - The Wave
#1221 - Waves of the Danube, Waltz
#295 - Way to be Happy—Waltz
#81 - We Shall Meet Beyond the River
#1063 - We were Sweethearts, Nell and I
#163 - The Wearing of the Green
#48 - Webb
#265 - We'd Better Bide a Wee
#60 - Wellesley
#100 - We're Marching to Jesus
#65 - What a Friend we have in Jesus
#1068 - What Could the Poor Girl Do?
#17 - What Hast Thou Done for Me
#327 - What the Daisy Said
#1288 - When Clouds have Vanished
#192 - When I Was a Boy
#1249 - When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget
#633 - When Jesus Comes
#1298 - When Mother Sings "Sweet and Low"
#616 - When My Saviour I Shall See
#483 - When the Band Begins to Play
#486 - When the Dew Begins to Fall
#107 - When the Leaves Begin to Fade
#747 - When the Roll is called Up Yonder
#402 - When the Roses Bloom Again
#1203 - When the Sunset Turns the Ocean Blue to Gold
#103 - When the Swallows Homeward Fly
#1155 - When the Whip-Poor-Will Sings, Marguerite
#723 - When we Reach our Home
#212 - When You and I Were Young
#1228 - When You Wore a Tulip
#1255 - When You're Gone, I Won't Forget
#307 - Where did you get that Hat?
#23 - Where is My Boy To-night
#401 - Where is My Nancy?
#447 - Where the Myrtle Loves to Climb
#1191 - Where the River Shannon Flows
#1212 - Where the Silv'ry Colorado Wends its Way
#440 - Where the Sparrows and Chippies Parade
#451 - While the Years are Rolling On
#386 - Whip-Poor-Will's Song
#1248 - Whispering
#1116 - Whistling Rufus
#191 - White Wings
#88 - Whosoever Will
#410 - Why did they Dig Ma's Grave so Deep?
#376 - The Widow Nolan's Goat
#705 - Wie Froehlich bin ich (How Happy Am I—German)
#707 - Wie Schoen leucht uns der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star—German)
#733 - Will there be Light for Me
#647 - Will You Meet Me
#56 - Wilson
#176 - The Witches' Carnival
#1048 - Witaj Majowa Jutrzenko (Polish)
#1089 - Wizard of the Nile, March
#728 - Wonderful Story of Love
#1003 - Won't You be My Sweetheart?
#1287 - The World is Waiting for the Sunrise
#1012 - Wot Cher!
#190 - Yankee Doodle
#140 - Ye Merry Birds
#1292 - You are the Rose of My Rosary
#1167 - You Look Awful Good to Father
#293 - You Never Miss the Water
#1161 - You're a Grand Old Flag
#1049 - Z dymem pozarow (Polish)
#1119 - Zenda Waltzes
#37 - Zion
#691 - Zions Vaegter, Haever Rosten (Watch of Zion, Lift Your Voice—Norwegian)
32-Note Cobs
Played on the “Grand Roller Organ”
#2044 - "1492" Waltzes
#2036 - After Nine / Hello! Central, Hello!
#2035 - Love's Dream After the Ball
#2016 - After the Ball, Waltz Song
#2057 - After the Masquerade
#2017 - Ah! So Fair - Martha
#2079 - Always or Never Waltz
#2071 - America / The Star Spangled Banner
#2104 - America
#3017 - Antioch
#2022 - The Gypsy Song / Anvil Chorus
#2105 - Arlington
#2001 - Auf Weidersehn Waltz
#2107 - Auld Lang Syne
#2120 - 1. Nancy Lee / 2. Auld Lang Syne
#2002 - Autograph Waltz
#2139 - Autophone Melody
#2085 - Avanera
#2126 - The Band Played on
#2140 - 1. Battle cry of Freedom / 2. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp / 3. Red, White, and Blue / 4. Home, Sweet Home / 5. Marching Through Georgia
#2109 - The Beautiful Blue Danube, Waltz
#3013 - Beautiful Valley of Eden
#2073 - Because I Love Thee So
#2067 - The Belle of Chicago
#2097 - Dream Waltz / Black Hussar
#2008 - Blooming Youth Waltz
#2084 - 1. Boat Song / 2. Consolation
#2023 - The Bowery, Waltz
#2054 - Caliph of Bagdad Overture
#2093 - Toreador Song / Carmen
#2077 - Cavalleria Rusticana, Intermezzo
#2078 - Columbus March
#3003 - Come Unto Me
#2084 - 1. Boat Song / 2. Consolation
#2075 - Coronation March / The Prophet
#2124 - Crusaders' March / Il Talisman
#2087 - Cujus Animam
#2014 - Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-Wow
#2034 - The Daisy, Polka
#2042 - Daisy Bell
#2028 - De Paris a Londres, Polka
#2113 - Dearest Norma, Duetto
#2080 - 1. Mrs. Flarity, What do You Mean by That? / 2. Do, Do, My Huckleberry
#2136 - Don't be Cross
#2015 - Dramatic News Waltz
#2097 - Dream Waltz / Black Hussar
#2118 - Duetto from "Martha"
#2096 - Elsa's Dream / Lohengrin
#2004 - En Avant March
#2070 - The Fatal Wedding
#2074 - Skirt Dance / Faust Up To Date
#2041 - The Fencing Master, 3 songs
#2039 - Flemish Dance
#2009 - Four Little Curly Headed Coons
#3015 - From Greenland's Icy Mountains
#2133 - Secret Love / Gavotte
#2046 - Gondolier Waltzes
#2065 - Gondoliers Lanciers I and II
#2066 - Gondoliers Lanciers IV and V
#2019 - Gracious Heavens - Martha
#2022 - The Gypsy Song / Anvil Chorus
#2091 - 1. I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard / 2. He Never Cares to Wander from his Fireside
#2106 - Hebron
#2036 - After Nine / Hello! Central, Hello!
#2025 - The High School Cadets' March
#3007 - Hold the Fort
#2043 - Home, Sweet Home
#2140 - 1. Battle cry of Freedom / 2. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp / 3. Red, White, and Blue / 4. Home, Sweet Home / 5. Marching Through Georgia
#2101 - The Honeymoon March
#2052 - How Dear to Me The Hour
#2091 - 1. I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard / 2. He Never Cares to Wander from his Fireside
#2111 - 1. I Dream't That I Dwelt in Marble Halls / 2. Then You'll Remember Me
#3002 - I Know That My Redeemer Lives
#2086 - 1. The Sidewalks of New York / 2. I Long to see the Girl I Left Behind
#2137 - 1. Just Tell Them That You Saw Me / 2. I Love Only You
#2033 - I Wish I was in Dixie's Land
#2131 - 1. I'll Tell Papa on You / 2. Oh, Uncle John
#2110 - Il Bacio Valse / The Kiss Waltz
#2018 - In This Celestial Dwelling / Magic Flute
#3008 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
#2137 - 1. Just Tell Them That You Saw Me / 2. I Love Only You
#2095 - K. of P. Opening Ode / Closing Ode
#2094 - K. of P. Initiatory Anthem / Installation Anthem
#2094 - K. of P. Initiatory Anthem / Installation Anthem
#2095 - K. of P. Opening Ode / Closing Ode
#2099 - Kerry Dance
King Cotton, March
#2089 - The Kiss Waltz
#2110 - Il Bacio Valse / The Kiss Waltz
#2117 - 1. Twickenham Ferry / 2. Last Rose of Summer
#3004 - Lead, Kindly Light
#3010 - Let the Lower Lights be Burning
#2063 - Liberty Bell March
#2013 - The Lilacs
#2128 - The Little Lost Child
#2037 - The Little Stars Won't Tell
#2064 - Wedding March / Lohengrin
#2096 - Elsa's Dream / Lohengrin
#2035 - Love's Dream After the Ball
#2058 - Madam Angot, Waltz Song
#2119 - 1. Maggie Moonie / 2. My Pearl is a Bowery Girl
#2018 - In This Celestial Dwelling / Magic Flute
#2068 - Maid of Plymouth, 2 Songs
#2061 - Maid of Plymouth, Waltzes
#2115 - March from "Norma"
#2100 - March from Die Meistersinger
#2140 - 1. Battle cry of Freedom / 2. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp / 3. Red, White, and Blue / 4. Home, Sweet Home / 5. Marching Through Georgia
#2047 - Mardi Gras Quadrille Nos. I and II
#2048 - Mardi Gras Quadrille Nos. IV and V
#2056 - Martha Overture
#2032 - Mia Bella, Waltz
#2038 - Nocturne / Midsummer Night's Dream
#2092 - Military March
#2053 - Minuet
#2129 - Monastery Bells
#2122 - Morning Leaves, Waltz
#2026 - Mosquito Skirt Dance
#2080 - 1. Mrs. Flarity, What do You Mean by That? / 2. Do, Do, My Huckleberry
#2134 - 1. My Best Girl's a New Yorker / 2. The Sunshine of Paradise Alley
#2090 - 1. Yankee Doodle / 2. My Old Kentucky Home
#2119 - 1. Maggie Moonie / 2. My Pearl is a Bowery Girl
#2083 - Naila, Intermezzo
#2120 - 1. Nancy Lee / 2. Auld Lang Syne
#2072 - Narcissus
#3005 - Nearer, My God to Thee
#2010 - The Nightingale's Song
#2038 - Nocturne / Midsummer Night's Dream
#3001 - O, Rest in the Lord / Elijah
#2131 - 1. I'll Tell Papa on You / 2. Oh, Uncle John
#2103 - Old Hundredth
#2130 - 1. One Heart, One Soul / 2. The York Dance
#3009 - Only an Armor Bearer
#2132 - Only One Girl in the World for Me
#3006 - Onward, Christian Soldiers
#2020 - The Oxford Minuet
#2050 - Palermo Quadrilles Nos. I and II
#2051 - Palermo Quadrilles Nos. IV and V
#2098 - Palm Leaves
#2024 - Par Ci, Par La, Polka
#2005 - The Parting Kiss
#2076 - Pilgrim's Chorus, Tannhauser
#2108 - Pleyel's Hymn
#2088 - Poet and Peasant Overture
#3016 - Portuguese Hymn
#2045 - A Pretty Girl / "Wang"
#2138 - Priests March, Athalia Opera
#2121 - Slumber So Gently / Princess Bonnie
#2031 - Push Dem Clouds Away
#2140 - 1. Battle cry of Freedom / 2. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp / 3. Red, White, and Blue / 4. Home, Sweet Home / 5. Marching Through Georgia
#3011 - Redeemed
#2012 - Robin Hood, 4 songs
#2081 - Rock-a-Bye Baby
#2133 - Secret Love / Gavotte
#2116 - Selection from "Mignon"
#2112 - Semiramide, Selection from Overture
#2006 - The Shadow Dance, Dinorah
#2086 - 1. The Sidewalks of New York / 2. I Long to see the Girl I Left Behind
#2074 - Skirt Dance / Faust Up To Date
#2121 - Slumber So Gently / Princess Bonnie
#2114 - Sounds from the Vienna Woods, Waltz
#2007 - Spring Song
#2071 - America / The Star Spangled Banner
#2125 - Stradella Overture
#2134 - 1. My Best Girl's a New Yorker / 2. The Sunshine of Paradise Alley
#3014 - Sweet Bye and Bye
#3012 - Sweet Hour of Prayer
#2055 - Sweet Marie, Waltz
#2060 - Tancredi Overture
#2040 - Tannhauser March
#2111 - 1. I Dream't That I Dwelt in Marble Halls / 2. Then You'll Remember Me
#2123 - A Thousand and One Nights, Waltz
#2003 - The Thunderer March
#2093 - Toreador Song / Carmen
#2140 - 1. Battle cry of Freedom / 2. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp / 3. Red, White, and Blue / 4. Home, Sweet Home / 5. Marching Through Georgia
#2029 - Träumerei, Reverie
#2117 - 1. Twickenham Ferry / 2. Last Rose of Summer
#2069 - University March
#2030 - The Virginia Skedaddle
#2045 - A Pretty Girl / "Wang"
#2049 - "Wang" March
#2027 - "Wang" Waltzes
#2102 - Ward
#2011 - The Washington Post March
#2021 - The Wedding of the Lily and the Rose
#2064 - Wedding March / Lohengrin
#2059 - Wedding March
#2127 - When the Swallows Homeward Fly
#2062 - William Tell Overture
#2135 - Yale March, Two Step
#2090 - 1. Yankee Doodle / 2. My Old Kentucky Home
#2130 - 1. One Heart, One Soul / 2. The York Dance
#2082 - Zampa Overture, Selections
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