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Cobs By Year

Range By Publication Date

Range by copyright or earliest known publication date

Source of Data

All cobs with known publication dates (after 1850) are available in a list format.


Cobs By Year This graph represents a partial list of known cobs, based on Cobs Listed By Publication Year, Range from Tune Lists (below), and The Roller Organ Cob Handbook, and excluding those with copyright/publication dates prior to the beginning of production (1884).

The release of late popular 20-note titles (#1001 through #1298) closely follows their copyright/publication date. Late hymn tunes (#721 through #760) were released at a much slower rate. New popular 32-note titles (#2001 through #2141) were evidently released for only a short period, circa 1892 through 1896. Many hymn tunes (particularly #1 through #99 and #3001 through #3017) do not appear, as they were dated prior to 1884. Few hymn tunes were released after 1900.

Richard Dutton has an excellent article Some Observations About the Dating of the Music on Regular and Grand Roller Organ Cobs in the May/June 2006 issue of the MBSI Journal (MBSI 2006 52-3), page 23. MBSI Members may access the article online.

Range from Tune Lists

Cobs ranges based on published tune lists

The date of published data is especially difficult to establish, as there are often long delays between obtaining a new tune list, typesetting it, and publishing the final page. In addition, some companies appear to have used the same list for many years. The summary is arranged in order of increasing numbers of cobs within ranges.

Tune List Summary

Publication date 1886 1885 1889-92 1890 1900
Company Harbach Peck/Snyder Borden World Mfg J Bride Co Chr Herald Chr Herald [sheet]
Highest Sacred1) #6 #32 #49 #54 #100 #672 #720 #724
Highest Popular2) #115 #218 #230 #230 #438 #1122 #1068
Sacred quantity 6 32 36 54 100 150 220 224
Popular quantity 15 118 70 130 338 0 614 560
Total quantity 21 150 106 184 438 150 834 784
Type complete complete abridged complete complete selected complete complete
             1898 1900-02 1906 1906 1907
Larkin Soap Standard Sears Chr Herald Wurlitzer [booklet] [booklet3)] Standard Sears
#634 #724 #634 #736 #737 #737 #737 #737 #734
#1088 #1106 #1122 #1132 #1133 #1139 #1139 #1141
16 224 48 146 237 237 237 36
86 598 190 0 625 631 631 172
102 822 238 146 862 868 868 208
abridged complete abridged selected abridged complete complete complete abridged
1910-11 1914 1917 1916 1918 1923 1925 1924
Standard [sheet] Sears Ch Williams Sears Sears Ch Williams Sears Sears Ch Williams Sears
#741 #7504) #750 #750 #758 #758 #758 #760 #748 #760 #748
#1166 #11795) #1179 #1179 #1195 #1225 #1225 #1242 #1279 #1279 #1292
complete complete abridged abridged selected6) abridged abridged abridged abridged complete7) abridged


Some estimates can be made regarding the approximate year of cob release, although they are likely to be inaccurate where data is sparce. For the purpose of estimation, it is assumed that production figures were linear in nature unless actual data suggests otherwise. These estimates may be revised as more data is obtained.

Cobs #1-100, #601-760

Cobs #101-600, #1001-1298

32-Note Cobs #2001-2141, #3001-3017

#1-#100, #601-#760
#101-#600, #1001-#1298
with additional insert
743, 745, and 750 appear to be latter additions
1177 and 1178 appear to be latter additions
Although selected, this long list is titled a “Complete List …”
starting with #751, #1180

Todd Augsburger's Roller Organ Website