The world's growing older each day,
And the world's growing colder they say,
The world has no place for a dreamer of dreams,
Ah, then it's no place for me it seems;
For I dream of you all the day long,
You run thro' the hours like a song,
Sometimes I think if the world could see,
My golden dreams, it would envy me!
Dearie, my Dearie,
Nothing's worthwhile but dreams of you,
And you can make ev'ry dream come true!
Dearie, my Dearie,
Give me your hand, say you understand,
My Dearie.
Then tho' it's co cold and so gray,
Here I would be willing to stay,
For ever and ever and even a day,
If only my dearie to me would say,
One word that would make my heart sing
And turn the winter to spring,
Sunshine and skies that are cloudless and blue,
For all of my day depends on you!