Ich kenn' ein Auge, das so mild,
Und gläzend wie ein Sternenbild,
Voll Huld auf mich hernieder sieht,
Und mich hinauf zum Himmel zieht,
Dort prangt ein Stern so hell und rein,
Wie jenes Auges Sonnenschein.“
Du liebes Aug, du lieber Stern,
Du bist mir nah und doch so fern.
Du liebes Aug', du lieber Stern
Du bist mir nah und doch so fern!
Alexander Reichardt (1825-1885), 1858
I know an eye so softly bright,
That glistens like a star of night;
My soul it draws, with glances kind,
To Heav'n's blue vault, and there I find
Another star as pure and clear
As that which mildly sparkles here.
Beloved eye, beloved star,
Thou art so near, and yet so far!
Beloved eye, beloved star,
Thou art so near, and yet so far!
That eye so soft, like violets blue,
A treasure bears of morning dew;
And when its light entranc'd I see.
What joy, what pain possesses me?
A world, where I would gladly dwell,
Is that bright orb I love so well.
If closed at last that radiant eye should be,
No more the day will dawn for me;
If night should dim its laughing light,
Oh! then, for ever ever 'twill be night!
Those eyes that brightly, softly shine,
For me the Sun and Moon combine.