M'appari tutt' amor;
il mio sguardo l'incontró
bella si che il mio cor
ansioso a lei voló;
mi feri, mi rapi
quell'angelica belta
sculta in cor dall'amor,
cancellarsi non potra,
il pesier di poter
palpitar con lei d'amor;
puó soprir ji martir
che m'affanna e strazia il cor!
Marta. Marta, tu sparisti
e ji mio cor con tuo ne andó!
u la pace mi rapisti,
di dolor jo moriró ah!
di dolor morró, al, morró!
In my dream, she is all my own,
My joy, my hope in darkest night.
She is my love, all I have known,
All desire and all delight!
Ah, how fair she appears
Like an angel from the skies!
Ah, how dear is the sight
To my lonely, longing eyes!
Then how soon she is gone
And the dream dies away!
At the break of the day
I awake! To dream alone!
Martha! Martha! Have I lost you
And the love we might have known?
Do not leave me here without you,
Come and be my own, my own!
Give me back what you have found,
Or share it now with me.