14,874,329 hits since 2007.06.01
Cob tunes are often from popular operas, operettas, burlesques, or stage productions.
(Up to Date or Very Near It)
(The Beggar Student)
(The Wedding at Ulfasa)
(The Witch)
(Castor and Pollux)
(Rustic Chivalry)
(The Maid of Milan)
(The Village Soothsayer)
(Le Pardon de Ploërmel) (The Pardon of Ploërmel)
(William Tell)
(The Man at the Wheel)
(The Merry Maid of Orleans)
(The Merry War)
(The Merry Widow)
(The Mastersingers of Nuremberg)
(The Town of Titipu)
(The Slave of Duty)
(The Puritans)
Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf die Wartburg (Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest on the Wartburg)
(The Bird Seller) (The Tyrolienne) (The Tyrolean)