I'm an Irishman now don't mind that,
For you can't play tag with Paddy Flynn
In the fourteenth ward I claim my how'ld
But the gang they play'd me for a skin,
The said that they'd make me Alderman,
Then they took me 'round to see Red Bill,
We were drinking rye-and-rock, till four o'clock,
And they made me pony up for all the swill.
I had fifteen dollars in my inside pocket,
Don't you see, to me it is a warning.
Saturday night I made a call
On a friend of Tam'ny Hall
And the divil a cent I had on Sunday morning.
Oh, the gang they hung around the bar,
Like a swarm of educated mice,
Oh they made me drink a “clarinette” punch
And a whiskey “Sangaree” on ice,
They stood me on my head, when my wealth gave out,
Then they hung me on a fence to dry,
In the early morning light, for'ninst Judge White,
These words to him I plaintively did cry.