Coma and kiss me, Linda, kiss me,
I's a waitin' for you, here,
For I know dat you would miss me
If dis d—ey was not near;
Long I's lov'd you, Linda, lov'd you,
As the bee the flow'r it sips,
And as true as stars above you,
Dar am honey on dese lips.
Long I's lov'd you, Linda, lov'd you,
As the bee the flow'r it sips,
And as true as stars above you,
Dar am honey on dese lips.
Come and nestle close beside me,
So I loves you all de more,
For I knows you will “confide me”
Something neber told before;
While you're lookin' from de winda
Think how soon de ebening slips,
And believe me, darling Linda,
Dar am honey on dese lips.
Come and whisper words of pleasure,
Tell me if your heart am true,
For you am my dearest treasure,
And, my love, I love but you;
Now as in the past I feel it
From my toes to fingertips,
And I wish you'd let me seal it
Wid de honey on dese lips.
A copy of the 1878 sheet music for the song is held in the United States Library of Congress collection “Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1870-1885” and may be viewed online at