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Hymns / Sacred
#1 - The Sweet Bye And Bye
#2 - Nearer, My God, To Thee
#3 - I Need Thee, Every Hour
#4 - From Greenland's Icy Mountains
#5 - Duke Street
#6 - Onward, Christian Soldiers
#7 - Ariel
#9 - I'll Stand By Until the Morning
#10 - The Shining Shore—Nelson
#11 - Sicilian Hymn
#12 - Hold the Fort
#13 - Just as I Am
#14 - America
#15 - Antioch
#17 - What Hast Thou Done for Me
#18 - He Leadeth Me
#21 - Is My Name Written There
#22 - Almost Persuaded
#23 - Where is My Boy To-night
#25 - Let the Lower Lights be Burning
#26 - Only an Armor Bearer
#27 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer
#28 - He Will Hide Me
#29 - Pull for the Shore
#30 - Precious Name
#31 - Christmas
#32 - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
#33 - Harwell
#34 - Hendon
#35 - Manoah
#36 - Pleyel's Hymn
#37 - Zion
#38 - Warwick
#40 - Dennis
#42 - Even Me
#43 - Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
#44 - St. Martin's
#47 - Mozart
#49 - Bowen
#52 - Luton
#53 - Brownell
#56 - Wilson
#57 - Repose
#58 - In the Silent Midnight Watches
#59 - Portuguese Hymn
#61 - Rathbun
#62 - Come Ye Disconsolate
#63 - Belmont
#67 - Rock of Ages
#68 - Sweet Hour of Prayer
#69 - Beautiful Valley of Eden
#70 - Greenville
#71 - Old Hundred
#72 - Pass Me Not
#73 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
#74 - Lofsang (Song of Praise—Swedish)
#75 - Jul-Psalm (Christmas Hymn—Swedish)
#76 - Pask-Psalm (Easter Hymn—Swedish)
#77 - Midsommar-sang (Midsummer Hymn—Swedish)
#78 - Beulah Land
#81 - We Shall Meet Beyond the River
#83 - Mendebras
#84 - Aletta
#85 - I am Praying for You
#86 - More Love to Thee, O Christ
#87 - Go Bury Thy Sorrow
#88 - Whosoever Will
#89 - Softly and Tenderly
#90 - All the Way My Saviour Leads Me
#91 - Rescue the Perishing
#92 - Follow On
#93 - Come, Great Deliverer, Come
#94 - Jesus, Min Bäste Vän (Jesus, My Best Friend—Swedish)
#95 - Jesus, Nadens Källa (Jesus, Well of Mercy—Swedish)
#96 - Min Kärlek Star till Gud Allena (My Love to God Alone—Swedish)
#97 - Gläds, O Kristi Brud (Rejoice, O Bride of Christ—Swedish)
#98 - Paska är Kommen (Easter is Coming—Swedish)
#99 - Onward Go
#100 - We're Marching to Jesus
#451 - While the Years are Rolling On
#601 - To the Work
#602 - Only a Step to Jesus
#603 - Knocking, Knocking, Who is There?
#604 - Thy Servant I Will Be
#605 - From Heaven I am Coming
#606 - Be Joyful, O My Soul
#607 - It is Now Time
#608 - Thank Almighty God
#609 - Carried by the Angels
#610 - Move Forward
#611 - Some Sweet Day
#612 - Somewhere To-night
#613 - Wait and Murmur Not
#614 - Come, Spirit, Come
#615 - Hiding in the Rock
#618 - Anywhere With Jesus
#619 - Trust and Obey
#623 - The Garden of the Lord
#624 - Duane Street
#625 - Saul
#627 - Sabbath
#628 - Balerma
#630 - The Prodigal Child
#631 - Autumn
#632 - Leighton
#633 - When Jesus Comes
#634 - Shall we Gather at the River
#635 - Happy Day
#643 - Coming To-day
#649 - Stand on the Rock
#650 - My Sabbath Home
#651 - At the Door
#652 - Little Children, You May Come
#654 - The Bright Forever
#655 - They Gather One by One
#657 - Hold On
#658 - The Beautiful Vale
#659 - Glory to Jesus
#660 - Silver Street
#662 - Migdol
#663 - Louvan
#664 - Cambridge
#665 - Lanesboro
#666 - Lover den Herre (Praise the Lord—Norwegian)
#667 - Sode Jesu, vi er her (Sweet Jesus, We are Here—Norwegian)
#668 - Hjertelig mig nu laenges (Now I Wish With All My Heart—Norwegian)
#669 - Vor Gud han er saa fast (Our God is Always True—Norwegian)
#670 - Hvo veed hvor naer er min Ende (Who Knows how near is My End—Norwegian)
#671 - Hvor salig er den Lille Flok (How Blessed the Little Band—Norwegian)
#672 - St. Bride
#674 - Allein Gott in der Höh (God Alone on High—German)
#675 - Warum sollt' ich mich denn grämen (Why Should I Mourn—German)
#677 - Ein' Feste Burg ist unser Gott (A Firm Mountain is our God—German)
#678 - Vom Himmel Hoch (From Heaven High—German)
#681 - Ich Habe nun den Grund gefunden (I've Now Found the Rock—German)
#682 - Wach auf, mein Herz (Arise, My Soul—German)
#684 - Allein Gott in der Höh' (Alone on High is He—German)
#685 - Af Hoiheden oprunden er (From High there Flows—Norwegian)
#686 - Den store hvide Flok vi se (The Large, White Band we See—Norwegian)
#687 - Et lidet Barn saa Lystelig (A Little Child so Happy—Norwegian)
#688 - Jesu, dine dybe Vunder (Jesus, Thine Deep Wounds—Norwegian)
#689 - Jesu, din sode Forening at smage (Jesus, How Sweet to Commingle with You—Norwegian)
#690 - Op alle, som paa Jorden bo (Up All who Dwell on Earth—Norwegian)
#691 - Zions Vaegter, Haever Rosten (Watch of Zion, Lift Your Voice—Norwegian)
#692 - Af Dybsens Nod jeg raabe maa (I May call from the Depth of My Misery—Norwegian)
#693 - Ak, vidste du, Som gaar I Syndens (Oh! if you, who is Fettered with Sin, only Knew—Norwegian)
#694 - Du Hoje Fryd for rene Sjaele (Great Happiness for Clean Souls—Norwegian)
#695 - Far Verden Farvel (To the World Farewell—Norwegian)
#696 - Fryd dig, du Kristi Brud (Rejoice, You Bride of Christ—Norwegian)
#697 - Guds Godhed vil vi Prise (God's Goodness Will we Praise—Norwegian)
#698 - Herre, jeg har handlet ilde (Lord, I have done Wrong—Norwegian)
#699 - Hvad er det Godt i Jesu Arme (How good it is in the arms of Jesus—Norwegian)
#700 - Hvad kan os komme til for nod (No Harm can come to us—Norwegian)
#701 - I Jesu Navn skal al vor Gjerning ske (All our Works shall be in the Name of Jesus—Norwegian)
#702 - Kirken den er et gammelt Hus (The Church is an Old house—Norwegian)
#703 - O Helligaand, du skat saa skjon (Oh Holy Ghost, You Precious Treasure—Norwegian)
#704 - Jerusalem, du Hochgebaute Stadt (Jerusalem, Thou High Built City—German)
#707 - Wie Schoen leucht uns der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star—German)
#721 - Anywhere With Jesus
#722 - 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
#723 - When we Reach our Home
#724 - Ambrosia Hymn
#725 - Sunshine in the Soul
#726 - Glory to His Name!
#727 - More about Jesus
#730 - Everlasting Arms
#731 - Blessed Rock
#733 - Will there be Light for Me
#735 - Jerusalem the Golden
#737 - Sometime We'll Understand
#739 - Hebron
#740 - Ortonville
#744 - Redeemed
#749 - The Glory Song
#750 - Jesus Loves Me
#751 - Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
#754 - O Salutaris
#757 - Adeste Fideles
#2102 - Ward
#2103 - Old Hundredth
#2105 - Arlington
#2106 - Hebron
#2108 - Pleyel's Hymn
#3001 - O, Rest in the Lord / Elijah
#3002 - I Know That My Redeemer Lives
#3003 - Come Unto Me
#3005 - Nearer, My God to Thee
#3006 - Onward, Christian Soldiers
#3007 - Hold the Fort
#3008 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
#3009 - Only an Armor Bearer
#3010 - Let the Lower Lights be Burning
#3011 - Redeemed
#3012 - Sweet Hour of Prayer
#3013 - Beautiful Valley of Eden
#3014 - Sweet Bye and Bye
#3015 - From Greenland's Icy Mountains
#3016 - Portuguese Hymn
#3017 - Antioch
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