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All Cobs By Incipit
1111123414555545: #744 - Redeemed
1111176133333213: #467 - Duo De Pippo Y Bettine (Spanish)
1111176722221233: #329 - Love's Old, Sweet Song
1112342132267121: #687 - Et lidet Barn saa Lystelig (A Little Child so Happy—Norwegian)
1115135243213210: #1040 - Bartlomiej Glowacki (Polish)
1115135433332421: #34 - Hendon
1115716517656421: #669 - Vor Gud han er saa fast (Our God is Always True—Norwegian)
1117444355555555: #461 - Waltz, Nid D'Amour
1121712334543123: #44 - St. Martin's
1123142134321712: #74 - Lofsang (Song of Praise—Swedish)
1123345531322321: #168 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—I
1123427711225112: #697 - Guds Godhed vil vi Prise (God's Goodness Will we Praise—Norwegian)
1123455543342234: #696 - Fryd dig, du Kristi Brud (Rejoice, You Bride of Christ—Norwegian)
1123543231765545: #98 - Paska är Kommen (Easter is Coming—Swedish)
1127123343212171: #14 - America
1132122313453211: #77 - Midsommar-sang (Midsummer Hymn—Swedish)
1132122313453211: #607 - It is Now Time
1132122313453211: #700 - Hvad kan os komme til for nod (No Harm can come to us—Norwegian)
1135132134553217: #273 - The Star Spangled Banner
1135456531135441: #1195 - The Lads in Navy Blue
1135561165112321: #1116 - Whistling Rufus
1135654565456700: #1137 - Mister Dooley
1151245123432117: #757 - Adeste Fideles
1151255323432117: #59 - Portuguese Hymn
1151255323432117: #3016 - Portuguese Hymn
1153134556753421: #702 - Kirken den er et gammelt Hus (The Church is an Old house—Norwegian)
1153267656712111: #666 - Lover den Herre (Praise the Lord—Norwegian)
1154345131651175: #1162 - Cheyenne
1155455543322345: #97 - Gläds, O Kristi Brud (Rejoice, O Bride of Christ—Swedish)
1156543134325665: #670 - Hvo veed hvor naer er min Ende (Who Knows how near is My End—Norwegian)
1176512333321432: #71 - Old Hundred
1176512333321432: #2103 - Old Hundredth
1176654465311766: #87 - Go Bury Thy Sorrow
1176665365365342: #235 - Boccaccio Racket
1177616777776576: #1028 - Oh! Mr. Porter
1211255553321252: #160 - Flowers That Bloom (Mikado)
1214321351736653: #735 - Jerusalem the Golden
1215343111355432: #443 - Oh My Darling Clementine
1223555643176312: #1227 - Moonlight Bay
1231231135312123: #611 - Some Sweet Day
1231653453635176: #372 - Slavery Days
1231765312353211: #149 - The Last Rose of Summer
1232121651233355: #1 - The Sweet Bye And Bye
1232121651233355: #3014 - Sweet Bye and Bye
1232151232151237: #1061 - The Sunshine of Paradise Alley
1232165312323525: #631 - Autumn
1232165535535546: #1139 - Hiawatha (Two Step)
1232176512343211: #76 - Pask-Psalm (Easter Hymn—Swedish)
1232176512343211: #606 - Be Joyful, O My Soul
1232176512343211: #688 - Jesu, dine dybe Vunder (Jesus, Thine Deep Wounds—Norwegian)
1232176512343211: #751 - Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
1232177662343211: #35 - Manoah
1232345535653212: #43 - Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
1232356556445335: #675 - Warum sollt' ich mich denn grämen (Why Should I Mourn—German)
1232366665671233: #1031 - Marguerite of Monte Carlo
1232432716543231: #113 - Austrian National Hymn
1233211355433346: #619 - Trust and Obey
1233256565431343: #689 - Jesu, din sode Forening at smage (Jesus, How Sweet to Commingle with You—Norwegian)
1233312111212311: #451 - While the Years are Rolling On
1233321215135554: #83 - Mendebras
1233321671117655: #390 - The Battle-cry of Freedom
1233343232171321: #170 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—III
1233344455311233: #112 - Old Uncle Ned
1233345321123212: #652 - Little Children, You May Come
1233432151233343: #294 - Good-Bye, My Old Southern Home
1233432712432112: #627 - Sabbath
1233543234355234: #13 - Just as I Am
1233543235432123: #1238 - In the Sweet Long Ago
1234322135653123: #360 - Little Widow Dunn
1234332177122223: #651 - At the Door
1234451512231235: #1250 - Let the Rest of the World Go By
1234543233323421: #684 - Allein Gott in der Höh' (Alone on High is He—German)
1234553543423123: #123 - Home, Sweet Home
1235165323462766: #1282 - Indiana Moon
1235433223471231: #284 - Down Among the Sugar Cane
1235565312332121: #274 - Oh! Susanna
1235612356716756: #445 - Waltz—Nadjy
1235671233432521: #725 - Sunshine in the Soul
1315671235432233: #100 - We're Marching to Jesus
1321316545316531: #172 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—V
1321711121655232: #3 - I Need Thee, Every Hour
1327156547634323: #695 - Far Verden Farvel (To the World Farewell—Norwegian)
1332143213421710: #664 - Cambridge
1332543235212311: #699 - Hvad er det Godt i Jesu Arme (How good it is in the arms of Jesus—Norwegian)
1333211123543324: #2105 - Arlington
1333353311121231: #658 - The Beautiful Vale
1333365112333652: #385 - On de Banks of de Ribber Side
1334765535442313: #265 - We'd Better Bide a Wee
1342116671555434: #3001 - O, Rest in the Lord / Elijah
1345432333242171: #96 - Min Kärlek Star till Gud Allena (My Love to God Alone—Swedish)
1345432333242171: #674 - Allein Gott in der Höh (God Alone on High—German)
1345561765134556: #262 - Old Black Joe
1345567165332123: #68 - Sweet Hour of Prayer
1345567165332123: #3012 - Sweet Hour of Prayer
1345671765555654: #5 - Duke Street
1351656532135617: #38 - Warwick
1353645564165000: #576 - Peggy Cline
1355155133111355: #155 - The Beautiful Blue Danube
1355556551713212: #691 - Zions Vaegter, Haever Rosten (Watch of Zion, Lift Your Voice—Norwegian)
1355653171433213: #4 - From Greenland's Icy Mountains
1355653171433213: #3015 - From Greenland's Icy Mountains
1356113561120000: #1062 - On the Benches in the Park
1513213635435432: #672 - St. Bride
1531565567176556: #707 - Wie Schoen leucht uns der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star—German)
1531566556717665: #685 - Af Hoiheden oprunden er (From High there Flows—Norwegian)
1543322221161713: #1224 - Evening Star
1545412554343210: #1247 - Alabama Lullaby
1551216551234211: #95 - Jesus, Nadens Källa (Jesus, Well of Mercy—Swedish)
1553513251654551: #660 - Silver Street
1555565323564535: #690 - Op alle, som paa Jorden bo (Up All who Dwell on Earth—Norwegian)
1555712666167276: #1259 - Peggy O'Neil
1556711321671155: #604 - Thy Servant I Will Be
1556715435632171: #665 - Lanesboro
1565655432133444: #351 - Flee as a Bird
1575671533432126: #312 - Swinging—Waltz Song
1616167516161675: #1181 - Honey Man
1616534565321236: #1035 - The Good Old Annual
1671653454312300: #1132 - Creole Belles
1712172433232317: #49 - Bowen
1712342132123452: #698 - Herre, jeg har handlet ilde (Lord, I have done Wrong—Norwegian)
1712752123150000: #407 - Waltz—Love's Dreamland
1717132323545453: #1160 - Happy Heinie
1732152653176543: #147 - The Leap Year Waltz
1732376567214000: #1163 - My Irish Molly O
1746542171223000: #1190 - Mendelssohn's Wedding March
1756763637745652: #1023 - Drinking Song—Rusticana
1765432156677100: #3017 - Antioch
1765432156677111: #15 - Antioch
1765432311237100: #1017 - Then You Wink the other Eye
1765566556655665: #1261 - My Mammy
1765671232137176: #693 - Ak, vidste du, Som gaar I Syndens (Oh! if you, who is Fettered with Sin, only Knew—Norwegian)
1765676754000000: #1290 - Through the Night
1767567111553543: #605 - From Heaven I am Coming
1767567111553543: #678 - Vom Himmel Hoch (From Heaven High—German)
1767654323176765: #1050 - I Don't want to Play in Your Yard
2136531333213653: #164 - The Campbells are Coming
2153212762176556: #1059 - Only One Girl in the World for Me
2176177654165543: #1269 - Kiss-A-Miss Waltz
2315565315565000: #1056 - Fire Flies
2323232332327560: #1187 - Alexander's Rag Time Band
2323323443443443: #1258 - Ain't we got Fun?
2323365434344765: #397 - Langtry Waltzes, Nos. 3 & 4
2344557445765556: #349 - Dairy-Maid Waltz
2365365447500000: #1155 - When the Whip-Poor-Will Sings, Marguerite
2445567211712156: #1233 - My Little Girl
2567121612345445: #132 - The Dreamland Waltz
3123172176573211: #108 - Sweet Violets
3123232356330000: #1112 - Hello—Ma Baby
3123354443132177: #733 - Will there be Light for Me
3123431223271360: #1153 - Wait 'till the Sun Shines, Nellie
3124312111123253: #667 - Sode Jesu, vi er her (Sweet Jesus, We are Here—Norwegian)
3136541742476521: #478 - Happy Hearts—Polka Mazurka
3151213151214275: #188 - Back to Our Mountains
3151213151214276: #1120 - Home to Our Mountains
3153157565654300: #450 - Clayton's Grand March
3153715566165323: #1055 - Hearts
3163157151233163: #179 - Laura Waltz, No.1
3165123343137162: #659 - Glory to Jesus
3171365776564337: #230 - Don't Be Angry With Me, Darling
3172156136567123: #239 - Baby's Empty Cradle
3176523651217430: #1189 - Hearts and Flowers
3176765551134342: #1126 - El Capitan, No.2 (March)
3211665132321166: #2 - Nearer, My God, To Thee
3211665132321166: #3005 - Nearer, My God to Thee
3211712166511132: #89 - Softly and Tenderly
3211761535531323: #726 - Glory to His Name!
3212345321234532: #338 - A Summer Shower
3212355567121345: #109 - Marching Through Georgia
3213211615312321: #121 - Old Folks at Home
3213513216155671: #237 - I'll Remember You, Love
3213561533213565: #643 - Coming To-day
3213565332112332: #57 - Repose
3214123116153122: #363 - Only a Dream of My Mother
3215351743267653: #614 - Come, Spirit, Come
3216151321232161: #633 - When Jesus Comes
3216531474326523: #1086 - There'll Come a Time
3216721671236531: #231 - $15 In My Inside Pocket
3217121753217123: #1012 - Wot Cher!
3217123532171230: #1236 - Memories
3217154532171250: #1125 - El Capitan, No.1 (March)
3217162321717652: #1226 - There's a Quaker Down in Quakertown
3217165122123321: #72 - Pass Me Not
3217616513532123: #722 - 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
3217712321000000: #3003 - Come Unto Me
3217712345231432: #701 - I Jesu Navn skal al vor Gjerning ske (All our Works shall be in the Name of Jesus—Norwegian)
3231272731232132: #1251 - Missouri Waltz
3231346433231343: #1242 - Star of the East
3232323163555571: #1167 - You Look Awful Good to Father
3234434565433433: #703 - O Helligaand, du skat saa skjon (Oh Holy Ghost, You Precious Treasure—Norwegian)
3235561234123123: #1206 - Daisies Won't Tell
3235721213216000: #1286 - That Old Gang of Mine
3253532532123656: #1152 - Silver Heels
3275327515000000: #1274 - Mississippi Cradle
3311665313650000: #398 - Angels' Waltz
3313272111611517: #40 - Dennis
3315617651765643: #677 - Ein' Feste Burg ist unser Gott (A Firm Mountain is our God—German)
3317671333333433: #133 - Policemen's Chorus
3321122321554332: #70 - Greenville
3321176651352543: #1013 - Ting-a-ling-ting-tay
3321235543215565: #632 - Leighton
3321543211712332: #58 - In the Silent Midnight Watches
3321654244326533: #710 - Tazete se proc jsem Slovan (Bohemian)
3321661551323433: #186 - Oft in The Stilly Night
3331222335432133: #73 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
3331222335432133: #3008 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
3331234346543211: #1069 - My Old Kentucky Home
3332122216551712: #730 - Everlasting Arms
3332211776717766: #169 - "La Mascotte" Quadrilles—II
3332345344454325: #634 - Shall we Gather at the River
3332363542345671: #227 - Waltz Song—Orange Blossoms
3333321355666627: #440 - Where the Sparrows and Chippies Parade
3333332343244564: #625 - Saul
3333344565451000: #495 - Pretty as a Butterfly
3333543222243212: #603 - Knocking, Knocking, Who is There?
3334321557556711: #1004 - The Bowery
3334321651132333: #602 - Only a Step to Jesus
3334325551234320: #337 - Take Back the Heart
3334332111114433: #23 - Where is My Boy To-night
3336552232431000: #483 - When the Band Begins to Play
3344515432460000: #1223 - Spring Song
3345565667657321: #175 - Rhine Wine Charley
3346532113346535: #322 - Gasparone Waltz
3372165321743267: #1064 - Mother was a Lady
3415123155665432: #437 - Little Ah Sid
3422222341222223: #178 - I've Got Him on My List
3431762177650000: #110 - Victoria Polonaise
3432156715671433: #410 - Why did they Dig Ma's Grave so Deep?
3432232117665300: #1216 - Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall
3432672155671253: #422 - Hark! the Angels Sweetly Singing
3435213567464300: #476 - Silver Threads Among the Gold
3443112233443123: #22 - Almost Persuaded
3445671712676176: #101 - Waltz—Les Roses
3446531762132000: #1177 - I Wish I Had a Girl
3446553232343000: #1277 - I Want My Mammy
3451177234721134: #311 - Eglantine, Polka Mazurka
3451321765176543: #103 - When the Swallows Homeward Fly
3451433223421710: #42 - Even Me
3451565354234145: #379 - Schottische—Patti
3451723465321576: #377 - Waltz—Violet
3451765123345554: #31 - Christmas
3453165312300000: #1036 - Sweet Marie
3454321311216155: #193 - Irish Valet's Song
3454565131232343: #1145 - In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
3455177666653120: #400 - Dar am Honey on Dese Lips
3455432234532213: #75 - Jul-Psalm (Christmas Hymn—Swedish)
3455433212123443: #671 - Hvor salig er den Lille Flok (How Blessed the Little Band—Norwegian)
3455433221671176: #1268 - Humming
3455511771221713: #615 - Hiding in the Rock
3455555121757665: #373 - Don't You Hear the Baby Crying
3455555671715123: #1090 - On the Banks of the Wabash
3455567155565445: #649 - Stand on the Rock
3455615312333215: #104 - The Blue Alsatian Mountains
3455651233432344: #601 - To the Work
3455655331211651: #166 - The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane
3456532134565762: #219 - Minuet—R. Schumann
3456534323466715: #1019 - Molly and I and the Baby
3456534517655656: #3011 - Redeemed
3456555651765543: #394 - Bonnie Dundee
3456713453456785: #1130 - Dolly Grey
3456717165353454: #1230 - Mother Machree
3512174467631214: #281 - Far Away Where Angels Dwell
3512221233512223: #84 - Aletta
3513163513647266: #211 - Waltz from "Die Afrikareise"
3513513513513510: #1245 - Over There
3513654132456351: #1122 - Intermezzo Rusticana
3515311777276530: #515 - Comrades
3515665413246351: #1218 - Cavalleria Rusticana
3523423352342100: #36 - Pleyel's Hymn
3523423352342100: #2108 - Pleyel's Hymn
3525157453525100: #111 - Waltz—My Queen
3525171217000000: #1198 - School Days
3533456443234565: #1057 - Boccaccio Serenade
3536321272737656: #1281 - Bebe
3536352473527600: #1297 - Marcheta
3536353637464747: #600 - After the Ball
3543212345456544: #628 - Balerma
3543231512523313: #401 - Where is My Nancy?
3544767576545671: #1176 - Don't Take Me Home
3545143212665767: #406 - Schottische, Always smiling
3545455656565617: #1156 - A Picnic for Two
3561665356140000: #1098 - Warmest Baby in the Bunch
3561672672535616: #1121 - Narcissus
3565311232123351: #114 - Waltz—Tres Jolie
3565424676530000: #460 - Waltz, Myosotis
3566123732762341: #468 - Dolores Waltzer No.1 (Spanish)
3567133356713000: #1113 - High Born Lady
3651413325732100: #428 - Go to Sleep My Baby Girl
3653217447652300: #497 - Just Because You Kissed Me Darling
3654323711776365: #668 - Hjertelig mig nu laenges (Now I Wish With All My Heart—Norwegian)
3666366647777573: #1168 - Tammany
3713733553713214: #1052 - My Pearl is a Bowery Girl
3721565437121223: #375 - Take Me Back to Home and Mother
3721746712512300: #481 - Neath the Roses Long Ago
4133213212237217: #1275 - Angel Child
4342326546546323: #1180 - Everybody's Doing It
4343451112123432: #182 - Life Let us Cherish
4532345145625673: #577 - The High School Cadets March
4545454545354535: #1183 - Red Rose Rag
4545654355717171: #1239 - Pretty Baby
4554564577717671: #472 - Polka—De los Ingleses (Spanish)
5111211112342335: #418 - Perhaps He's on the Railway
5111212315511121: #1026 - Round the Town
5111235123435121: #1194 - Rule Britannia
5111321115616551: #263 - Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
5111321231135665: #126 - Auld Lang Syne
5111777667655551: #1128 - Holy City
5112123223452232: #325 - The Student's Song
5112232156616551: #740 - Ortonville
5112235321232116: #258 - Bonnie Doon
5117133234531215: #81 - We Shall Meet Beyond the River
5117133255543235: #32 - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
5117135514461615: #1173 - Red Wing
5117655334452352: #686 - Den store hvide Flok vi se (The Large, White Band we See—Norwegian)
5121232132146465: #1143 - Any Rags?
5123134563654212: #184 - Tyrolian Song
5123234313545651: #452 - Fresh Life—March
5123321117655777: #92 - Follow On
5123332122572444: #27 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer
5123334333332123: #125 - Chorus from I Puritani
5123336523454321: #223 - Waltz—Nick of the Woods
5123343231513556: #28 - He Will Hide Me
5123512334321321: #635 - Happy Day
5123512343200000: #1171 - Merry Widow Waltz
5123515661655555: #300 - The Mclntyres
5123645112343275: #493 - Only a Violet Blossom
5123655123655172: #1214 - In the Baggage Coach Ahead
5124321351716534: #165 - The Minstrel Boy
5131765155632345: #61 - Rathbun
5132121561761655: #30 - Precious Name
5132164343355125: #3002 - I Know That My Redeemer Lives
5133217665623443: #135 - Annie of the Vale
5133321771212543: #225 - See that My Grave's Kept Green
5133334321121617: #623 - The Garden of the Lord
5133343213176000: #1124 - Sunny Tennessee
5133432113532125: #654 - The Bright Forever
5134345623226260: #555 - Oh! What a Difference in the Morning
5135317242713531: #513 - Studentersang (Students' song—Norwegian)
5135322156515651: #1103 - Bolero from Fencing Master
5135353432000000: #1256 - Feather Your Nest
5136523155616556: #1089 - Wizard of the Nile, March
5136543217654300: #1202 - Midnight Fire Alarm No.2
5153546543535465: #122 - Sailors' Hornpipe
5153546543535465: #1131 - Fisher's Hornpipe
5156534556764321: #692 - Af Dybsens Nod jeg raabe maa (I May call from the Depth of My Misery—Norwegian)
5156654313432566: #681 - Ich Habe nun den Grund gefunden (I've Now Found the Rock—German)
5157644324765535: #429 - "New York Glide" Waltzes—I
5167646453716363: #314 - Black Hussar—Waltz
5171212343622111: #272 - Grandfather's Clock
5171235161500000: #1174 - My Wife's Gone to the Country
5171253135176125: #94 - Jesus, Min Bäste Vän (Jesus, My Best Friend—Swedish)
5171356251536363: #256 - The Little Fishermaiden
5171457646534566: #392 - Come Back to Erin
5171653565642000: #1072 - Take a Day Off Mary Ann
5172153136325100: #1067 - Down in Poverty Row
5174652431217256: #358 - Mistletoe Schottische
5176513456535556: #296 - Cousin Jedediah
5176543513321327: #749 - The Glory Song
5176555666546676: #220 - The Lighthouse By the Sea
5311123455536565: #205 - Dixie
5311353447654354: #319 - Manola Waltz
5312171523132171: #1200 - Tannhauser March
5313216535354454: #382 - Excursion Waltz
5313446543423000: #119 - Vienna Polka
5313467462471350: #396 - Langtry Waltzes, Nos. 1 & 2
5314165127100000: #1161 - You're a Grand Old Flag
5314326751235253: #167 - It's Funny When You Feel That Way
5316554567155333: #62 - Come Ye Disconsolate
5321216710000000: #1038 - The Sidewalks of New York
5321321721517665: #1229 - Ireland Must be Heaven
5321345665652345: #704 - Jerusalem, du Hochgebaute Stadt (Jerusalem, Thou High Built City—German)
5321512323432716: #694 - Du Hoje Fryd for rene Sjaele (Great Happiness for Clean Souls—Norwegian)
5321517774676535: #737 - Sometime We'll Understand
5321545667576530: #374 - Some Day I'll Wander Back Again
5321564465332133: #18 - He Leadeth Me
5321651115432345: #266 - Killarney
5321721653561772: #56 - Wilson
5321776155543321: #63 - Belmont
5321776155543321: #750 - Jesus Loves Me
5323272376632764: #1063 - We were Sweethearts, Nell and I
5331156543344255: #310 - Croquet, Schottische
5331766511235171: #242 - I'm Just Going Down By The Gate
5332123517666443: #105 - Waltz—Blue Violets
5332156116511111: #609 - Carried by the Angels
5332165512321234: #480 - General Grant's Grand March
5332166177654325: #655 - They Gather One by One
5332311556161712: #610 - Move Forward
5333211154443222: #78 - Beulah Land
5333215113271233: #90 - All the Way My Saviour Leads Me
5333343222232153: #384 - There's Music in the Air
5333355144123332: #328 - At the Ferry
5333565316535624: #356 - A Sweet Little Kiss at the Door
5334512354346765: #427 - The Dear Old Village School
5342312171615561: #249 - Massa's Wedding Night
5342711326523331: #154 - O Ye Tears!
5343235133221234: #29 - Pull for the Shore
5344512617123541: #1234 - M-O-T-H-E-R
5345314655345171: #241 - Kitty Wells
5345551766556712: #91 - Rescue the Perishing
5351172524435135: #53 - Brownell
5351531724642775: #159 - Tyroler and Child
5351653561653517: #1060 - The Lilacs
5352176642476554: #434 - Champagne Charlie
5352515351576234: #435 - The Jolly Dude
5354321567176763: #682 - Wach auf, mein Herz (Arise, My Soul—German)
5356567117231765: #739 - Hebron
5356567117231765: #2106 - Hebron
5372135765654313: #1210 - Sweet Bunch of Daisies
5431332315334354: #177 - He's Going to Marry (Mikado)
5433211354577652: #424 - I'll go Back to the Old Bridge Again
5433216532153254: #69 - Beautiful Valley of Eden
5433216532153254: #3013 - Beautiful Valley of Eden
5435112176657171: #93 - Come, Great Deliverer, Come
5435121176716554: #229 - Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
5436576543234612: #1096 - Stars and Stripes Forever, March
5443232171255443: #180 - Laura Waltz, No.2
5443412321721650: #578 - The Skirt Dance
5443512521146651: #255 - Rock-a-Bye Baby
5445743117216554: #1102 - Break the News to Mother
5453212752553000: #1010 - Daisy Bell
5453217165545765: #346 - Homeless, Wandering Child
5453432266572543: #1243 - In the Harbor of Home Sweet Home
5454543231000000: #1011 - The Rowdy Dowdy Boys
5454545361432434: #9 - I'll Stand By Until the Morning
5454653517217643: #348 - Prince Imperial Galop
5456517377322300: #339 - Nobody's Darling but Mine
5457653435456531: #137 - Miserere, from Il Trovatore
5465131342345434: #107 - When the Leaves Begin to Fade
5465713323762000: #1027 - Daddy Wouldn't buy Me a Bow-Wow
5511125431566543: #279 - Red, White and Blue
5511217653564666: #657 - Hold On
5511231235321616: #10 - The Shining Shore—Nelson
5511231556143123: #21 - Is My Name Written There
5511232345176533: #731 - Blessed Rock
5511233334321255: #292 - The Party at the Zoo
5511323461712667: #419 - Up in a Balloon
5511343246671367: #150 - Waltz—German Hearts
5512312123343231: #663 - Louvan
5512321466534512: #371 - Gathering Shells
5512343326257123: #433 - The Flying Trapeze
5513133267155513: #85 - I am Praying for You
5513176665564333: #344 - Strolling On Brooklyn Bridge
5513217476747650: #389 - The Beau of Saratoga
5513312442317125: #624 - Duane Street
5513651712326170: #404 - Oh! You Little Rascal
5515132255513210: #33 - Harwell
5516217132321712: #662 - Migdol
5517121653566662: #413 - The Bell Goes A-Ringing
5517123543272162: #47 - Mozart
5517156555551232: #2102 - Ward
5517225722333433: #412 - Not for Joseph
5517576565335412: #134 - Marble Halls
5517665555156755: #206 - Waltz—Till we Meet Again
5531162275566543: #1002 - Lauterbach (The Lauterbach Maiden—German)
5533212316545671: #380 - For Goodness Sake Don't Say I Told You
5533221466651123: #650 - My Sabbath Home
5533311171332234: #7 - Ariel
5533315565322223: #630 - The Prodigal Child
5533345622172465: #236 - Cuckoo Song
5534532161556715: #414 - Down by the Blooming Apple Tree
5534567132171232: #369 - Save the Sweetest Kiss for Me
5536453176461500: #1039 - The Fatal Wedding
5536654764743150: #215 - Song, Many Joined
5543512351235545: #1207 - Rainbow
5545315534576232: #1105 - Romance from Anne Boleyn
5551322155513420: #499 - My Boy Across the Sea
5553156511221710: #37 - Zion
5553561765545355: #17 - What Hast Thou Done for Me
5554515345655400: #391 - Waltz—Moss Agate
5554565134326543: #613 - Wait and Murmur Not
5554577477466534: #431 - "New York Glide" Waltzes—III
5555321235565155: #268 - Comin' Thro' the Rye
5555335456532161: #1253 - Margie
5555555157567656: #102 - Polka—La Bonne Bouche
5555555555167771: #409 - Modjeska Waltz
5555565221231358: #6 - Onward, Christian Soldiers
5555565221231358: #3006 - Onward, Christian Soldiers
5555566166512353: #1058 - Just Tell Them That You Saw Me
5555651754321765: #185 - Plantation Galop
5555655555655556: #1025 - The Future Mrs. 'Awkins
5556111224333555: #727 - More about Jesus
5556112332132117: #1228 - When You Wore a Tulip
5556535112176665: #26 - Only an Armor Bearer
5556535112176665: #3009 - Only an Armor Bearer
5556651176721716: #612 - Somewhere To-night
5556653432171555: #608 - Thank Almighty God
5556712176657657: #482 - Awfully Clever
5556765713467650: #516 - Maggie Murphy's Home
5557672165576551: #156 - Listen to The Mocking Bird
5565176544332123: #128 - Die Lorelei (The Lorelei—German)
5565321616565321: #254 - Jennie, the Flower of Kildare
5565334321235515: #484 - The Little Log Cabin's the Home After All
5565432111765434: #52 - Luton
5566531234543234: #618 - Anywhere With Jesus
5566531234543234: #721 - Anywhere With Jesus
5566671317160000: #1185 - All Alone
5567122353177600: #1118 - Just One Girl
5567132261776500: #417 - Oh! You Little Darling
5567217656433212: #459 - Slavery's Passed Away
5572666553511231: #1009 - The Washington Post March
5613461433432667: #1018 - Dream Memories
5613523713716000: #1276 - Just a Little Love Song
5616561232135613: #1146 - Lindy
5617576576556656: #209 - The Kiss Waltz
5622167650000000: #1264 - Nobody's Baby
5636563561767276: #234 - Waltz—Cricket on the Hearth
5643267165000000: #1133 - Tale of the Kangaroo
5646435646430000: #1134 - Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow
5651233212565123: #86 - More Love to Thee, O Christ
5651325113565243: #129 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
5651566551327176: #754 - O Salutaris
5651656543322266: #378 - Waltz—Maid of Beauty
5653116165565313: #88 - Whosoever Will
5653121656532565: #12 - Hold the Fort
5653121656532565: #3007 - Hold the Fort
5653165123217171: #67 - Rock of Ages
5653176226541230: #408 - Down by the Willow in the Lane
5653211665331256: #270 - Massa's in de Cold Ground
5653211765000000: #1266 - Tuck Me to Sleep
5653217666217125: #25 - Let the Lower Lights be Burning
5653217666217125: #3010 - Let the Lower Lights be Burning
5653231617656161: #594 - My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon
5653432123000000: #498 - Out in the Snow
5653521514321760: #439 - Midnight Squad
5653531117766545: #323 - Mill-Stream Waltz
5653551216111233: #1232 - Are You From Dixie
5653567131321651: #1107 - Georgia Campmeeting (Two Step)
5654345654355678: #11 - Sicilian Hymn
5654345666645432: #1144 - Under the Anheuser Bush
5654515432746000: #1178 - I Love My Wife, but O You Kid
5654535654535671: #1201 - Midnight Fire Alarm No.1
5654543323235432: #1197 - I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier
5655435565435123: #115 - Climbing up the Golden Stairs
5655655155446555: #99 - Onward Go
5655655165565565: #1298 - When Mother Sings "Sweet and Low"
5656454256566542: #1254 - Hiawatha's Melody of Love
5656656533565556: #425 - Tripping Through the Daisies
5657565116644430: #479 - Pretty Little Dark Blue Eyes
5663556635345321: #320 - Sweetheart Waltz
5671172155671172: #192 - When I Was a Boy
5671172172176567: #457 - Waltz, Estudiantina
5671234123276655: #1117 - Just as the Sun went Down
5671321656712321: #415 - Eileen Allanna
5671555244355676: #376 - The Widow Nolan's Goat
5671712321325000: #138 - The Parade March
5671765456531356: #1054 - The Honeymoon March
5671765671765511: #1158 - If a Girl Like You Loved a Boy Like Me
5674443211761721: #157 - Then You'll Remember Me
5676556765567121: #469 - Dolores Waltzer No.2 (Spanish)
5765435432132146: #1114 - Smoky Mokes
6531353513151754: #315 - En Pleine Chasse, Galop
6711656122762000: #1273 - Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
6712333215653217: #196 - Waltz Song, "Love Comes"
7121254323567712: #136 - Bonnie Eloise
7564535175564453: #430 - "New York Glide" Waltzes—II
: #723 - When we Reach our Home
: All Cobs By Condensed Incipit
: All Cobs By Incipit
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