#701 - I Jesu Navn skal al vor Gjerning ske (All our Works shall be in the Name of Jesus—Norwegian)
#702 - Kirken den er et gammelt Hus (The Church is an Old house—Norwegian)
#703 - O Helligaand, du skat saa skjon (Oh Holy Ghost, You Precious Treasure—Norwegian)
#704 - Jerusalem, du Hochgebaute Stadt (Jerusalem, Thou High Built City—German)
#705 - Wie Froehlich bin ich (How Happy Am I—German)
#706 - Lobe den Herrn, O Meine Seele (Praise the Lord, O My Soul—German)
#707 - Wie Schoen leucht uns der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star—German)
#708 - Verbleib bei mir (Tarry with Me—German)
#709 - Uber den Blauen See (Beyond the Blue Sea—German)
#710 - Tazete se proc jsem Slovan (Bohemian)
#711 - Sil Jsem Proso (Bohemian)
#712 - Pisne dcery ducha meho (Bohemian)
#713 - Prijde Jaro Prijde (Bohemian)
#714 - Ma zlata Marenko (Bohemian)
#715 - Kde Domov Muj (Bohemian)
#716 - Louceni, Louceni (Bohemian)
#717 - Hej Slovane (Bohemian)
#718 - Kydz te vidim (Bohemian)
#719 - Kydz jsem k vam chodival (Bohemian)
#720 - Frälsta aro vi (Loved are We—Swedish)
#721 - Anywhere With Jesus
#722 - 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
#723 - When we Reach our Home
#724 - Ambrosia Hymn
#725 - Sunshine in the Soul
#726 - Glory to His Name!
#727 - More about Jesus
#728 - Wonderful Story of Love
#729 - Haven of Rest
#730 - Everlasting Arms
#731 - Blessed Rock
#732 - Hark, 'tis the Song of Angels
#733 - Will there be Light for Me
#734 - Lead Kindly Light
#735 - Jerusalem the Golden
#736 - It is God's Way
#737 - Sometime We'll Understand
#738 - Nettleton
#739 - Hebron
#740 - Ortonville
#741 - Coronation
#742 - Silent Night
#743 - Ihr Kinderlein Kommt
#744 - Redeemed
#745 - Jesus is Mine
#746 - No, Not One!
#747 - When the Roll is called Up Yonder
#748 - Tell Mother I'll be There
#749 - The Glory Song
#750 - Jesus Loves Me
#751 - Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
#752 - O Lord I am Not Worthy
#753 - Magnificat
#754 - O Salutaris
#755 - Sweet Savior
#756 - Stabat Mater
#757 - Adeste Fideles
#758 - Holy God We Praise Thy Name
#759 - O Du Frohliche, O Du Selige
#760 - Face To Face
[761 through 1000 are unknown or non-existant]