#1044 - Jeszcze P. nie zginela (Polish)

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  • Composer:
    • traditional Polish
  • Title variations:
    • Jeszeze P. nie zginela1)
  • Also known as:
    • Jeszcze Polska nie zginela (Poland has not yet perished)
    • Mazurek Dąbrowskiego (Dąbrowski's Mazurka)
    • Piesn Legionów Polskich we Wloszech (Song of the Polish Legions in Italy)
  • Lyrics:
    • Józef Wybicki (1747–1822), 1797
  • Lyrics:
    • (trans. unknown)
  • See also:

#1044 - Jeszcze P. nie zginela (Polish) and #1148 - Jeszcze Polska (Polish) are the same melody, although the accompaniment differs significantly.

Dąbrowski's Mazurka was adopted as the national anthem of Poland in 1927, and was the source of a related melody, #717 - Hej Slovane (Bohemian)

Jeszcze is misspelled on both the cob label and in most brochures

Todd Augsburger's Roller Organ Website