All hail to the morning that bids us rejoice;
The Temple's completed, exalt high each voice;
The cope-stone is finished, our labor is o'er;
The sound of the gavel shall hail us no more.
To the power Almighty, who ever has guided
The tribes of old Israel, exalting their fame;
To Him who hath governed our hearts undivided,
Let's send forth our voices to praise His great name.
Companions assemble on this joyful day
(The occasion is glorious) the keystone to lay;
Fulfilled is the promise, by the Ancient of Days,
To bring forth the cope-stone with shouting and praise.
There is no more occasion for level or plumb-line,
For trowel or gavel, for compass or square.
Our works are completed, the ark safely seated,
And we shall be greeted as workmen most rare.
Now those that are worthy, our toils who have shared,
And proved themselves faithful, shall meet their reward;
Their virtue and knowledge, industry and skill,
Have our approbation—have gained our good-will.
We accept and receive them, Most Excellent Masters,
Invested with honor and power to preside
Among worthy craftsmen, wherever assembled,
The knowledge of Masons to spread far and wide.
Almighty Jehovah, descend now, and fill
This Lodge with Thy glory, our hearts will good-will;
Preside at Our meetings, assist us to find
True pleasure in teaching good-will to mankind.
Thy wisdom inspired the great Institution;
Thy Strength shall support, till Nature expire;
And when the creation shall fall into ruin,
Its beauty shall rise through the midst of the fire.