Don't you hear the baby crying
In his little cradle lying,
If he doesn't stop his Papa will be snarling;
Does he want his Ma to stir up,
Does he want some soothing syrup,
Oh what can be the matter with the darling?
Don't you hear him, ba, ba, ba,
Don't you hear him, ma, ma, ma,
All the efforts made to silence him he's scorning;
Don't you hear him, ba, ba, ba,
Don't you hear him, ma, ma, ma,
Don't you hear the baby crying in the morning.
O the darling's got a colic,
And he cannot laugh and frolic;
A nasty pin is sticking in him may be;
Is he troubled with his breathing,
Is the little tootsey teething,
O bring the paregoric for the Baby
Is the little darling hungry,
Is it that that makes him angry?
If he's hungry then we really must excuse him,
And he soon will cease his crying,
When in mama's arms he's lying,
With his little head press'd closely to her bosom.