By Jove it's awful jolly
When one goes out to walk,
To see the “Bon Ton” Daisies
And hear their pretty talk.
But I was shocked this evening,
The girl was awful rude,
She looked me square up in the face
And said “How are you Dude.” spoken:
Oh my goodness gracious if ever I felt a tho'
I'd sink down thro' the sidewalk it was when
she said to me, “George, oh George, am I no
longer your sweet honey bug Dudlet?” That broke
me all up, I ran to my friends for protection
and here I am.
They say my girl is a “Dudette”,
I think they're shocking rude,
They once used to call me a “Masher”,
But now they call me a “Dude”.
I'm a dude, dude, dude, dude,
I'm a dude, dude, dude, dude,
I think it is shockingly crude,
They once used to call me a “Masher”,
But now they call me a “Dude”.
What cares a jolly fellow
What common people say,
For some were born for workers
But I was born to play,
My style you see 'tis nobby
It strikes me I am shrewd,
My get up's so bewitching
They think I am a Dude. spoken:
Ha, ha. By Jove, it's quite a joke on a fellow
'tis to be sure. Ha, ha, ha, well,—
I sometimes meet some fellows
Who've got hard up for cash,
Who want to rob a hen roost
Or do some thing that's rash,
But I am no such hairpin,
I play my cards more shrewd
And laugh to hear the people shout
“Oh there he goes—that Dude.” spoken:
Yes, yes, my motto is and has been ever
since I was knee high to a grasshopper,
“Let them laugh who win,” ha, ha, ha,