Mother, tell me that you love me,
Sing for me please, do not weep!
Radient faces float above me,
And i feel I'm going to sleep;
Turn my pillow, sit here near me,
Hold my hand till it is o'er,
Raise the curtain, it will cheer me
The bright sun to see once more.
Hark! the angels sweetly singing,
On bright wings they're hov'ring o'er,
Soon my flight I shall be winging,
Winging to the golden shore.
Mother, when I'm gone you'll miss me,
There'll be none to take my place;
Bend down, mother, dear, and kiss me,
Let my lips just touch your face.
Darkness o'er my eyes is stealing,
Raise the window, give me breath,
Heav'n its glories is revealing
Precious mother, it is death.
Tell dear father how I miss him,
But his picture I've caressed,
Tell him how I long to kiss him,
Lay my head upon your breast!
Sing to me about the glory
Of the mansions in the sky;
Tell again the precious story,
Mother, quick! kiss me good bye.