#97 - Gläds, O Kristi Brud (Rejoice, O Bride of Christ—Swedish)

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#97 - Gläds, O Kristi Brud (Rejoice, O Bride of Christ—Swedish) and #696 - Fryd dig, du Kristi Brud (Rejoice, You Bride of Christ—Norwegian) are the same melody, although some notes and the accompaniment differs significantly.

The original melody is a secular composition with the title Venus, du und dein Kind seid alle beide blind (Venus, both you and your child [Cupid] are blind)

Several Swedish hymns are known, such as:

  • Gläd Dig, Du Kristi Brud
  • Jag vill i denna stund
  • O Herre, vem skall bo
  • Så skön och ljuvlig är
  • Sorgen för glädien går
  • O Jesus, rik av nåd
  • På min HErre Gudh allen

Todd Augsburger's Roller Organ Website